Chapter 13: Break-in & U.S.J Part 1

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A few days passed and it was now Thursday. Izuku had fully recovered from his Provisional License exam and was in good spirits. The fact that he had actually passed the exam had fully set in and he was so happy and proud of himself. It had done wonders for his mental health since he had more or less invalidated any and all arguments that people had made against him due to him being quirkless and saying that he would never be a hero. 'READ IT AND WEEP PEOPLE! I AM A PROVISIONAL HERO! IF IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE I WOULD HAVE NEVER MADE IT TO THIS STAGE!' Izuku thought as he held on tight to his Provisional License. Anyway, ignoring all of that, Izuku found himself in his father's office getting some details about a criminal case that his papa was assigning him. Nezu wanted to work Izuku into the process of working on a criminal case and started him out with one that he thought was relativity simple. Izuku needed to track down a villain that had been giving the heroes the runaround. Nezu already had the warrants obtained for the hacking of digital resources such as street cameras and anywhere that they reasonably expect that the villain may be in based on evidence that would point to them being in that location or having visited that location. 

As such, Izuku took the material and stepped into the classroom that Nezu had built onto his office without the other staff knowing about it and got to work on the stuff. Honestly, the so-called classroom wasn't really a classroom. It was more of a workroom for both Izuku and Nezu to work together on cases.

There were two sides of the desk with monitors on both sides and then on the wall there were six screens which either computer could project things to if they wanted to

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There were two sides of the desk with monitors on both sides and then on the wall there were six screens which either computer could project things to if they wanted to. Overall, it allowed Nezu to help Izuku with anything that he is stuck on if Izuku needs help or just normal studying. It was also secured to prevent others from getting into it and had a secure connection to the hero commission for cases so Izuku could request information for any cases since Izuku and nezu would be dealing with some high-risk situations sometimes that could not be leaked out or people would die. Overall, Izuku was happy with it and got to work on the cases. 

Izuku spent about half of the day and it was now lunchtime. He had figured out where the criminal was hiding and had hacked in about 100 cameras to track the villain's movements for over a week period and now Izuku had roughly a set schedule of where the man would be within a certain time of the day. This would allow them to plan out a perfect time to ambush the villain with a few heroes. Izuku was also able to roughly gather enough information from the hero commission and what he saw in the cameras and suggested a team of 2 heroes that could take the villain out with relative ease. The heroes were Kamumi woods and Backdraft. The reason these two heroes were selected is due to the fact that the villains quirk allows him to create a liquid substance that is toxic but Izuku noticed that the villain never used it when it was raining which lead Izuku to believe that water would dilute the chemicals from the quirk making it weaker or unable to work. Backdraft would be able to also control his water which would allow him to trap the villain and soak the man. Kamui Woods would be able to trap and hold the villain at a distance with Backdraft soaking his wood in water to help him keep a hold of the villain.

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