Chapter 10: First Day

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3rd POV:

Izuku woke up and felt sore! 'God... all of that falling during the parkour was really rough on the body over the past two months.' Izuku thought as he got out of his bed and stretched. He did his morning stretches before heading out to the main living area to get breakfast. He then saw his papa making breakfast for them both. "Now that I think about it... before I lived here what did you do for breakfast and everything else?" Izuku asked and Nezu chuckled a bit. "I did this like always. Though I made smaller amounts since it was only myself and I don't eat as much as Humans do due to my size." Nezu stated as he finished cooking and Izuku moved the food over to the table. They both say down and started to eat. "How did the parkour training go for you over these two months?" Nezu asked Izuku and Izuku shrugged. "I'm still needing work but I can move much faster between locations now since I've started it. I no longer have to run around buildings and things. Instead, I just go over, under, around, or find some other way to get to my end location much faster." Izuku stated as he ate. Nezu was happy that Izuku learned it and would have made him learn it regardless during his other training in school. Nezu had been making a small schedule on some classes that Izuku would join to help him cover the basic things that pro hero needs to know such as first aid, rescue training, and so on. He would do it with the big 3 in their remedial courses throughout the year since he wanted the situation with All Might and Bakugo to happen first before he teamed Izuku up with the first years every once in a while. Otherwise, it was mainly going to be projected with Nezu since Izuku's provisional license was scheduled for the second day of the school year since the commission was pushing to get Izuku to official work soon as possible based on his IQ and education. Since he didn't need any of the high school classes they wanted him working and gaining experience or training.

Izuku wasn't opposed to getting his provisional license so soon. It would also allow him out on the field doing actual work and Nezu said he would work out an agreement with other heroes to get Izuku in their offices and working so he had more field experience since Izuku was planning on being a mix of Nezu and a hero like Eraserhead. He would be what you would likely call a Dawn hero. Working in the light but also the night time. Anyway, moving back towards the first day of UA! Izuku was happy since he was finally here! It wasn't the hero course he dreamed of when he was a young child but it didn't matter to him since he was going to be a hero regardless and Izuku was a bit smug as well since he would be getting his provisional license which was the exact same as Mirio's before Bakugo would get the chance to get his.

Anyway, they finished eating and Nezu gave him the details he needed to know about. "Overall, the first day is just the opening ceremony and a few classes. The hero courses dismissed early on these days regardless of the other courses since they just do an introduction and some tests and then they are done. 1-A never shows up to the presentation that I do since Eraserhead always sees it as a waste of time." Nezu stated and Izuku gave him a look that said 'Of course it is a waste of time! You pack a lot of information into it just to torment people!'. Izuku rolled his eyes. "I'm just going to wear my outfit then and spy on 1-A.... though Bakugo's there..." Izuku muttered. Nezu nodded and said to take Mirio with him which Izuku agreed upon since he didn't know if he would have a panic attack or anything. His mental health had done so well but that was without introducing his past to him again. Izuku was also confident as well but as said before, that is without introducing his past to him. That is how Izuku found himself in his hero outfit spying on class 1-A with Mirio.

 That is how Izuku found himself in his hero outfit spying on class 1-A with Mirio

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