Chapter 6: Aldera Junior High Case

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It was closing in on the end of the school year and winter break would soon be upon them before the start of the new school year in January. This would also be when the entrance exam would be starting as well! However, without anyone knowing about it, there was a criminal case undergoing and it was about to hit the final phase. The lead detective on the case was gathering as much evidence as he could without alerting the school. Detective Tsukauchi went so far as to get warrants acquired in secret without raising too much noise. He then allowed Nezu via the warrants to dig through all of the digital files and video footage of the Aldera Junior High without the school knowing about it since the warrant granted them the right to hack their files to ensure that nothing was destroyed to hide crimes. This dug up a lot of evidence that took them a long time to shift through. 

They had quite a bit sorted out and were nearing the end of the investigation where the detective would go to physically question each individual. However, Nezu noticed one thing that happened in the classroom that changed after Izuku's disappearance. Bakugo Katsuki had become tamer and had a look of new emotions in his eyes. 'The snot noise brat is likely feeling guilt that he drove someone to death since it could destroy his dreams of being number one...' Nezu thought. He honestly didn't have anything hedge in the fact that Bakugo Katsuki felt true guilt of likely killing someone. Not based on all of what Nezu saw beforehand. Izuku was right though in some aspect that the boy did get screwed as well by the system but Nezu had a slightly different viewpoint. The Bakugo kid looked up to All Might and everything yet he acts nothing like All Might would in situations. Instead, he acts more like Endeavor. 

Though they need to ignore the rooftop incident Bakugo Katsuki was nothing like All Might even though he claims he will beat All Might as the greatest hero. Instead, Bakugo looks more likely to never hit the number one rank if there was anyone similar to All Might like LeMillon will be. 'There are also people like Izuku who will be popular with people with far weaker quirks. However, Izuku will likely be less famous in the general public but more well known in the public eye since Izuku has already started helping me on some of my cases that I've sent out to other heroes to get his name out there.' Nezu thought. They had recently made a nickname for Izuku to serve as his pro hero name. The name that he chooses was Codex - The Strategists Support Hero. It was an interesting name and honestly sums Izuku up quite well since he would have his hand in a lot of functions but besides that, we need to focus back on the criminal case.

It was now time for the in-person investigations to start happening. More or less everyone was already screwed since they had the security footage but they were more or less looking for any crimes that happened outside of the security footage such as on the way home or other places. That is how Nezu and Detective Tsukauchi found themselves at the police station. Nezu was standing in the backroom to look through the glass with the Bakugo's in the interrogation room. After around 9 or so months, the case was finally hitting the end. Bakugo had a tense look on his face while the parents were confused about why their son was being questioned by the police.

"I am informing you that this is an official police investigation and this is being recorded. Anything you say or do can be used against you. You have the right to a lawyer. Do you want a lawyer to present Ms. and Mrs. Bakugo for your son?" Detective Tsukauchi asked. They looked at each other and shook their head believing their son hasn't done anything to be in legal trouble. "Let the recorded show that the parents declined the offer of a lawyer and have waived that right so the investigation can move forward at this point," he stated into the recording device. He then wrote some information down on his notepad and then looked at Bakugo. "Katsuki Bakugo, do you know why you are here?" He asked and Bakugo shook his head. "Please use verbal responses for the recording." asked the detective and Bakugo said no. Lie-Truth. which meant that Bakugo had somewhat of an idea but not fully. "Do you know Izuku Midoriya?" asked Detective Tsuakuchi and Bakugo said yes. True. "If I asked now if you knew why you were here, would you know why?" he asked and Bakugo said yes. True. The two older Bakugo's were confused. The detective only pushed forward in his questions.

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