Ch-1: Aadi

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The eerie silence of consciousness broke by a jingling sound somewhere...
A mammoth like organism opened his eyes and saw a particle of shimmer floating infront of it. He was buried in him own consciousness by some unknown force. This light with it's strange sound brought him back. The light moved and a jingling sound followed it's every movement. The organism grew curious about it and raised a hand to lightly touch the light.

There was village far up north on the planet called Earth.
The world was filled with creatures of all shapes and kinds. There were animals, plants and the elements like water, wood, metal etc. But also some strange creatures lurked there. The abundance of energy in the nature was used by these creatures to shapeshift their form, and most usually they shape shifted to mimic the most intelligent being on the Earth, humans.
This village was too small to even be noticed by human species, but these creatures lived here as humans nonetheless.

Many plants developed consciousness through absorption of the energy and in thousands of years' time would choose to take up human/humanoid form and live in the village in safety.

There was a very old mammoth like organism living in this village. His body was white covered with various shades of black scars. The scars seem to fight the body to take as much space as possible. The old creature found it really difficult to hold on any longer and screamed in pain as he struggled with the black scars. He knocked heavily on the walls of the small hut he built for himself, the hut crashed under his weight. But the twitching didn't cease, the pain causing him to clench his teeth and scratch his own body. Red blood soaked the black fur while it stained the white fur on his body.

A few months have passed like this.. the creature seem to lose his will to live but unable to die. He lay near the broken hut curled up, unable to move a single inch from the pain. He remembered the shimmering light, and jingling sound before his heart froze. The sky turned white, it wanted to cry for this poor soul. But nature played it's role perfectly, freezing the tears of rain to flakes of snow. He felt the death approaching and a smile struggled to run on his face escaping the pain.
The creature was covered in white snow. Never to wake up again.

Note: It's a fresh work and I may deviate from what I initially planned... Formation of spiritual beings is never a pretty process. So excuse the terrible writing of mine. Hope you enjoyed it. In the next update let's discover what the hell happened to this poor organism...

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