Boys, Please Control Yourselves

Start bij het begin

"Oi, enjoying the view, sweetheart?" He taunted, jumping up from his place in the table, and walked over and sat down at the end of Theo's table. 

"I wasn't looking at you." Theo stammered. 


Whenever Theo got nervous he stuttered slightly, even if he wasn't lying. Which unequivocally at this time he was, but that was besides the point. 

The table of Kit's friends looked over at them, all smiling, clearly enjoying the taunting made by Kit like a pack of snarling wolves. Kit grinned so wide Theo could see his shining, white teeth, and his eyes creasing at the corners. Theo felt his face warm, as he noticed more people looking over. 

"Leave him alone, Kit." Aahana said hoarsely. She never really liked speaking up against people when they were rude to her, but if anybody was being horrible to her friends or just being douches for no reason, she was one of the first to be the defense. 

"I'm only playing, right, T?" Kit sneered, his cheek leaning on his knuckle. 

"Don't call me that." Theo strangled out. 

His friends and family called him that. That's it. 

"Why not?" Kit smiled. 
"Alright, Kristopher." Theo said bleakly. 
"Touché, Theo." Kit said, pointing a gun finger at Theo, "You got jokes now, Shieh?" 

Nobody that wasn't people he knew well had managed to actually say his last name correctly, so it shocked him that Kristopher McCain who seemed to have the braincells of a fetus managed to say it correctly.

Theo looked around to see even more people standing there. It wasn't hundreds like you see in movies, that are way over-exaggerated but it was enough to build up a tight feeling in his stomach. 

He looked over at the table of football players and saw one of Kit's teammates, fake kissing himself, facing back to Theo, arms wrapped around him like someone else's and doing the whole touching up thing. 

"What's up, Theo? You look very distressed." Kit said, with mock puppy-dog eyes. 

Theo's eyes burned with built up tears and were starting to get wet, and shine in his eyes, he felt his heart exploding in his chest, on the brink of what felt like a heart attack and he felt bile building up in his throat.

Kit looked at him, his forehead furrowed and he lifted an eyebrow before picking slightly at his bottom lip. 

"Fuck I'm sorry." He muttered, almost inaudible, so that only Theo could hear, before he stood up and walked back to his table, and high-fived one of the boys sitting there. 

Theo stayed quiet, eyes still lingering on him. He was fine until those dreaded words came out of Aahana's mouth; 

"Are you okay, T?" She muttered. 

Why does anybody ask that, when someone is clearly not okay. He stood up cautiously, eyes welling up with tears, secured his sketchbook and hurriedly walked off to try and reach the bathroom before they engulfed him.

"Nice job dickhead!" Duyi shouted, at Kit. 

Kit turned around and his eyes followed Theo as he sped up into the building. Kit crossed his arms over himself and used the left one to rub the back of his neck. 

"Fucking wussy ass bitch." Kade snickered, loudly. 
"Dude, stop it now, I've done enough." Kit whispered to Kade. "All you sheep go back to whatever the fuck you were doing before." He shouted out at the crowd, who for some reason were still gawping at the table that Theo just left.
"Don't tell me you're fucking wussying out too, damn McCain." Kade rolled his eyes and started up another conversation with the boys at the table.


They were sat at the creaky metal tables. Kit and Theo somehow managed to get sat next to each other in trigonometry too, even though all the teachers know they hate each other. Theo sat precariously on the edge of his seat, gritting his teeth, with a tense spine. 

"Theo." Kit hissed, trying to get his attention.

Theo ignored it. 

"Theo, seriously." He attempted again. 

Kit shook his foot under the table, glancing out of the corner of his eye towards Theo. 

"I am actually sorry, I didn't mean to upset you that much...Are you alright now?" He continued, basically talking to himself. 

Kit tapped Theo's knee with his own to try and get his attention. 

"I don't accept your apology, Kit." Theo said curtly. 

"Understandable..." Kit murmured, turning back to his work. "I need your number by the way." 

Theo twisted back around and paused, staring at him. 

"You know.. for the project.. I thought we should probably start on it.." Kit continued, noticing the suspicious look that was on Theo's face. Kit waggled his eyebrows. 

"You can write it down if you don't wanna talk to me...." He said, gravelly. 

"352-854-5607." Theo stated, bluntly. 

"Great! Mine is 321-954-0792.." 

Theo saved Kit as 'Sempiternal Asshole'. 

"You're funny, dickhead. The fuck does sempiternal mean?" Kit chuckled, turning back to face his work and grimacing at the question on the worksheet, he stared at it for about 10 seconds before flying back in his chair dramatically and huffing loudly. 

"56.3°." Theo declared, under his breath, pointing at the question on Kit's page. 

Kit smiled weakly and scrawled down the notes, in a way Theo would describe as 'indecipherable'. 

"Me helping you doesn't mean I forgive you for being a dick, by the way." Theo smiled. 
"Oh yeah?" Kit said with another smirk pulled. 

Theo's eyes were drawn onto it. 

"I say you do forgive me, Theo." Kit responded, etching a little smiley face on the corner of his worksheet. 

"No. I do not." Theo insisted, nose crinkled. 

Kit rose his eyebrow, "Alright, whatever you say." 

Theo crunched his jaw and a flush crept up on his cheeks, and he grabbed his water bottle and began drinking quickly, to hide the glow extending, suddenly part of the water went down the 'wrong side of his throat' and he pulled the bottle away and choked suddenly, water splashing over the desk. 

He turned to face Kit who had his mouth pursed together, to avoid laughter, Kit placed his hand over his mouth and Theo looked directly into his eyes. Both of the boys promptly splintered and began laughing while Mr. Teagan was explaining some shit about congruent angles for the fiftieth time. Kit burrowed his head into Theo's elbow in an attempt to stop the laughing when Mr. Teagan glared over at them which only made Theo laugh louder, he was now covering his mouth and turning bright red. 

"Boys, do you need to leave the classroom and calm down like babies?" Mr. Teagan nagged, the class turned around and snickered quietly.

Theo shook his head violently, biting down sharply on his lip, a small amount of blood drawing from it. 

"Boys, please control yourselves so I can carry on. Mr. McCain, seeing as you're clearly done the work what is question 4A?" Mr. Teagan called, expecting no response as usual.

"56.3° Sir." Kit said, a smug look on his face as he acknowledged Mr. Teagan's face pull into astonishment, before he swiftly disguised it. 

"Very well." Mr. Teagan continued, turning back to face the board. 

"Thanks." Kit smiled at Theo genuinely, before wiping down the water-soaked desk with his university jumper sleeve.

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