Boys, Please Control Yourselves

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Theo sat at the wooded blue, metal picnic table in the courtyard under the large oak tree, chewing into his lunch made by his mom. He'd always insist that she didn't have to make him packed lunch and that the cafeteria was much easier for her, but she said that it was 'unhealthy', plus she liked to add in foods like Ouma rusks and leftover bobotie from time to time.  Most of the incessant whispering and gossip had died down over the past days, and not many people glared at him as he walked around the school. He'd even had a few people give him faint smiles if he caught eye contact with them. There was one person though who seemed to become something of a stalker. Kit. Anytime Theo looked up from lunch his pale blue eyes sewn onto him, and when he saw that Theo had noticed he wouldn't look away- he'd just produce a scornful expression and squint at him as if to say 'What?', almost as if he wasn't the one glaring at Theo.

Aahana was perked up on Duyi's lap as Duyi twisted her straightened hair around his finger, while he rested his head on her shoulder. 

"You guys are totally adorable, but no need to rub it in." Theo smiled at them. 
"I am very sorry you have not found your prince yet, Theo. However, I have." Aahana retorted, with a gleaming smile, turning around to tap Duyi on the nose. 

"I totally ship you with Jamie Garnet." Duyi added. 

"You can't just ship me with the only other gay guy in the school, Duyi." Theo laughed. 

Aahana scrunched up her face. 

"Duyi you might as well hate crime him!" She joked, "Did you know, Theo that like 1 in 5 people are queer." She continued. 

"That means like 150 kids in our grade, that cannot be right." Duyi stated. 
"Well, Duyi. Sexuality is a spectrum so I mean you could be like 0.1% gay and be put in that number." Aahana said, "Right, Theo?" 

Theo shrugged. 

"Can't you like detect who's gay?? Like gay-dar?" Duyi questioned to Theo- no he didn't.
"That's not really an actual thing, Duyi." He laughed a little.

The football team just got let out of practice and came hurdling on into the courtyard and took the picnic table opposite Theo, Aahana & Duyi. 

"Fucks sake." Duyi muttered, under his breath. 

Theo looked over at Kit who was sat on top of the table, his bag plonked down next to him. His legs were manspreading and he had his elbows on his knees, as he leaned forward. 

"Oh you totally like him!" Aahana exclaimed. 

"Huh??" Theo said, snapping back and turning to face her. "You know I can look at a dude without that meaning I like him, A." 

"Yes, you can. However, Theodore-" She started.

"That isn't even my name. Theo isn't shortened, stop calling me that!" 

"AS I was SAYING, before being ever so rudely interrupted. You were picking at the skin of your nails and tapping your foot. I have know you for 15 years, Theo." She beamed. 

He didn't even notice he was doing any of that, his mouth twitched and he sniffed slightly before going down into his sketchbook, ignoring her comments.

"Avoiding the conversation will not help the fact you ever so clearly have a crush on him." She smirked. 
"Leave the poor man alone, A." Duyi said, pulling her hair into a braid. 

Theo always longed for how open they were. He knew that he wouldn't ever be able to be so open with someone he loved, and if he was there'd always be some sort of danger or horrible comments made towards him. He looked back over to see Kit pulling a university jumper, from a university he quite obviously hasn't gone to, over his head, slightly lifting up his shirt revealing his abs. Theo's heart sped a little, and he glanced away, staring back down at his sketchbook momentarily. When he turned back up Kit was glaring at him, which only made his heart speed up. Kit sucked in a puff of air, twisted his tongue up onto his canine tooth, and smirked slightly. He squinted his eyes at Theo and tilted his head to the left.

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