Chapter 11: The story of how we met

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“Your cute smile and your happy laughter attracted me to you, but your caring and loving heart is the reason why I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

•Third POV•

Jungkook sat there. Admiring Jimin in front of his eyes with a flower crown that he had made for him when he was in the forest earlier. Jimin was looking like an angel. Just seating besides the crystal clear river while playing with the swans, that happened to came to him. They made him smile. And Jungkook love that look on him. The flower crown on his head had held a beautiful memories from their past life, as it kept wondering on Jungkook's mind. He still remembered it all like it was yesterday.

“Koo! Look what I made!”

The boy in red said. Running towards the big wolf, who's turning his head to see his favourite person clearly. A pretty happy smile was on Jimin's face.

The both of them were having a picnic in the forest. Jimin had made himself a sandwich, and a fresh meat for Jungkook. Just the two of them there. All day, everyday. From the sunrise to sunset until the moon came. It was just the two of them alone. Spending their time with each other. Even though Jungkook cannot talk to Jimin, but he still managed to make Jimin laughed happily. He never wanted it to fade away.

“Look at this! It's a flower crown. I made it for you. And look! We matched!”

Jimin said cheekily. Showing Jungkook the pink and red coloured flower crown that he had made by using a real fresh red roses, carnations, asters, a pink daisies, zinnias, and a pink peonies. Jungkook brought his nose close towards the flower crown to sniffed it, as the sweet smells of the flowers flung inside his nostrils. Jungkook liked it. Jimin made it for him, and it made him happy. And so, he licked at Jimin's cheeks, as the boy smiled and giggled. Already used to the caring affection that Jungkook had gave to him everyday.

The wolf bowed his head down, so that Jimin can put it on top of his head, as he looked at his own reflection at the clean river besides them. It looked beautiful, and oh, it looked even more beautiful when Jimin put it on top of his own head. Jungkook howled in happiness. Jumping in joy, as he licked Jimin's face once again.

Jimin screamed while laughing when Jungkook tackled him to the ground. Teasing Jimin, as the wolf watched his eyes disappeared into a beautiful crescent smile. Jimin sometimes reminded him of the moon. His skin even glowed when it hits the moonlight.

“Ah! Koo! It tickles!”

Jimin giggled, as he tried to escape from Jungkook's tounge, licking at his face and neck. He brought his hands upwards to cupped at the wolf's cheeks. And that, actually, was the kind of gesture that only Jimin can do to him. Because the wolves really hates it when someone touched their head and face area. But it's not the same for Jimin.

The way his hands touched his face was so soft and gentle. It made Jungkook's heart jumped in happiness and wags his tail side to side.

Jimin cupped his face, to avoid getting licked down, as their eyes stared at each other. The beautiful hazel eyes met with the warm golden ones, as Jimin smiled.

“So cute. My big puppy.” Jimin smiled as he pecked his lips on the wolf nose and forehead. “I'm cold. Want you to hug me.” He whispered, as Jungkook obeyed him. Lying his body besides the boy, as he put he big paw on Jimin's body and Jimin curled onto him. Embraced their body with each other's warmth, as they both fell asleep without noticing it.

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