Gildarts Clive (Chapter 4)

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Izuku was seen looking at the second user of OFA, there was no one with him which Izuku assumed that they either wanted to give him a private talk with him or they can't join for some odd reason. Gildarts than said- If you are wondering where are the others don't worry they just left us both alone to have our own private talk. Izuku said- So...You must be the second user it's nice to meet you as well. Gildarts than said- You probably wonder why you are here? Izuku said- Not really, I do know it has to do with your magic! Gildarts smiled and said- So he told you already. Izuku said- Nah! He just told me that you will give me a rundown about your magic and said he won't say anything else or it will ruin the fun. Gildarts smirk and said- Well I am glad he didn't since I want to enjoy seeing your shocked face when you learn about the awesome power you possess. Izuku nod a little excited with Gildarts saying- You are excited that's good, I will give you information about your new abilities which you will have to practice of course and I will demonstrate it so you can have a little idea on how to go. Izuku nod and said- Thank you, but quick question I've heard that you didn't use OFA like the other users why that? Gildarts sigh and said- I wasn't originally planning to inherit OFA since I had magic but the first user was on his death bed and I accepted the quirk and kept it persevered until I passed it to someone else besides my magic was strong as it is to require OFA which was a little weak than with you right now but I used it then and there. Izuku said- If so why couldn't you defeat AFO because your magic is extremely powerful it's not me being overconfident but I could deduce that you could shatter all attack he throw at you. Gildarts smirk and said- You are a fast learned and smart now I could see why they praise you a lot and yes you are correct I could shatter all his attack he throw at me but you need to know AFO back then was more powerful than he was today he had a lot of arsenal quirk not to mention he had high tier villain by his side like his bodyguard Gigantomachia the one you met in your timeline so you probably get the gist he knew how dangerous I was so he worked on exhausting me first before he strike when I am at my weakest not to mention AFO never play fair he will get your family involve that's why I never got remarried after my wife death that's why when I learned that at some point our power will be transferred to the user in the future It made me happy that magic won't die down. Izuku then said- Okay, I understand I apologize if I brought you unwanted memories. Gildarts laugh and said- Don't worry kid! I am already over it besides I'd rather die fighting but you don't need to follow us you still have a lot to do including those three beautiful girls you are dating. Izuku blush and said- Thank you! 

Gildarts than said- Let me give you a basic introduction about my crush magic, Crush is an extremely powerful Caster Magic that smashes everything the user comes into contact with into pieces. It can be used to both crack Magic into pieces, thereby nullifying its effects, as well as to reduce the Magic's power and to deflect it. Even the most powerful spells are rendered useless when faced with this destructive and advanced Magic, which is difficult to control even for an extremely powerful individual like me that's why I never go into any area where there is a lot of people so I don't end up destroying the buildings but you will be different you can control what you want to crush and what not crush but that will require concentration including control over emotion so work on those two. 


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