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Caesar and I made it to the doors that led into the ball room. He opened the doors and the first thing I saw was a sparkling chandelier, the walls were a dark red with gold designs on them. "Wooow, this is beautiful," I say mesmerized at the beauty of the room. I spin around to bump in to Caesar's chest, he wraps his arms around me, "would you care to dance?" He asked, I nod my head. "It would be my honor to dance with a playboy such as yourself." He let out a chuckle before speaking, "don't listen to that fool JoJo, I simply see beauty and I shower it with care."


As Caesar and I practically danced, did a Q&A.

"What made you come to Rome?" He asked

"Speedwagon," I spun out of Caesar's arms to be spun back in his arms , "he asked me to come here."

"How do women fall for your charm so easily?" I asked smirking

He spread out my arms like wings, "You are like a delicate angel, ready to take flight," he spoke leaning close to my face. His lips hovered over mine.

'Oh God no! Please don't kiss me'

"Uhh excuse me but would it be okay if I took your guy's picture?" A shy man asked

"Well of course, be sure the get my good side," Caesar exclaimed

The man began to set up a chair, "miss if you would sit here." I sit down in the chair, as Caesar stood beside me. While the man set up his camera, Caesar placed a hand on my shoulder, making me tense. He bent down and whispered in my ear, "relax." I cleared my throat, I then placed a hand on top of his. Caesar interlocked our fingers together.

The cameraman finally had the camera set up, he looked at us, he mumbled something, but I could not hear him. "3, 2, 1," he took the picture. Caesar tried to pay him, but the cameraman would not except it. "I asked to take the photo, a beautiful couple like you should have a picture." Then he left.


Caesar and I admired the photo, "you have a beautiful smile, (y/n)." "You're smiling too, not half bad." We laughed at my insult, then looking up at each other. We did not realize we were so close to one another. Our eyes locked on one another, our faces began to inch forward.

Just as I was about to speak, Joseph interrupted us, he yanked me out of Caesar's grasp. When I left his grasp, I felt cold, and not because the air was cold.

"I knew you would try something on her, so I decided to come before it got too serious," Joseph turned to face me, "go to Speedwagon."

I held my wrist rubbing them, I wanted to feel the warmth that was once on them. I did not bother arguing with Joseph.


*Caesar pov*

Joseph shoved my shoulder, "listen
(y/n) is a little sister to me, even though she's older, she is not something to be taken lightly. She has a secret you have yet to figure out."

Joseph leaves me pondering his words. "A secret I have yet to figure out?" I looked down at my cold hands, they were warm when I was holding her, "who are you, (y/n)?"


"I don't want you around him," JoJo demanded

"And why not?" I glared

"Because he is Italy's playboy"

"Speedwagon do you hear this?"

"I am staying out of this," Speedwagon says defending himself

Joseph continued his rant, "I don't need you being heart broken over some guy."

Just when I was going to speak, Caesar's voice spoke, "I would not dare break a woman's heart," Caesar grabbed my hand holding it up to his lips, "JoJo, to ease your mind, I promise to never break (y/n)'s heart."

Caesar walks up to Joseph, holding out his hand for JoJo to shake. Reluctantly JoJo did shake Caesar's hand.

'I can't promise I won't break your heart Caesar'


Caesar jumped up in the air and the gently floated down in a chair, it was very impressive. Joseph did not find it impressive. Joseph decided to deal Caesar some cards, I knew what he was going to do.

"I saw that, JoJo. Deal the cards right. Only cowards cheat." Caesar figured it out quickly

Joseph tried to play dumb, "huh? Whatever do you-"

Caesar grabbed Joseph hand, "deal the cards properly Joestar, or play elsewhere." He shook Joseph's arm, causing cards to slip out of his sleeves. "Fancy that. Well that didn't work," Joseph said sticking out his tongue.

I sigh shaking my head, I look at the clock. It has been 8 hours, what could we possibly waiting for? I heard Caesar and Joseph arguing again, Speedwagon had to calm them down.

"It's been 8 hours Caesar. Do you mind telling us what we're waiting for?"

Caesar let out a grunt

"What are we waiting for?" Joseph asked

"Here's your answer," Caesar said

We all looked at the window, a car pulled up, it was a German soldier driving. Caesar explained that he could get them to see the pillar men. Speedwagon and Joseph headed downstairs, I was about to follow them, but was stopped by Caesar holding my arms

"No (y/n) you cannot go," he spoke gently, "it is better if you just wait here until we return."

He let go of me and took off.

'Caesar, you don't have to protect me. I am not who you think I am.'

Caesar Zeppeli x Reader Where stories live. Discover now