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The Cafe began to become jam packed, that the men had to form a line, but it did benefit the Cafe. More money came in for them, men would eventually want something to eat or drink, so it's a win win.

An older gentleman was telling his story of how he lost his wife, his one true love. He said he was afraid of loving someone else, but was afraid of being afraid. His story made me cry, "sir," I sobbed, "love is one of the scariest thing there is, yet it is the most beautiful thing. You can either run from it or face it head on."

His wrinkled hands grabbed mine, "I never thought a young woman would be giving me advice on love," he chuckled.

"Hahah, well they say love last all eternity," I say patting his hand

A big commotion started, "HEY NO CUTTING!" "WAIT YOUR TURN!"

I look up to see Joseph and Speedwagon cutting the line, mainly Joseph shoving his way through. He notices me in the chair, pointing his finger at me, "THERE YOU ARE! YOU SNEAK!"

I put my face in my hands shaking my head, the older gentleman spoke, "is he your boyfriend?"

I lift my head up quickly, "oh God no, he is family." I shake the older gentleman's hand, "it was nice meeting you but I must go." Then, I wave to all the other men, "it was nice meeting you all! I'm sorry I could not talk to all of you! I bid you all farewell, may we meet again."

I ran up to Joseph and Speedwagon, Joseph wrapped his arm around my neck, basically choking me. He then proceeded to drag me out of the Cafe.

"Come we are leaving"


My punches were having no affect on him, Speedwagon had to say something, "Joseph let her go!" He demanded

"Fine," Joseph said releasing me

I gasped for air, after catching my breath, I proceeded to straighten out my white dress, and fixed my grandmothers shawl. Finally I took another deep breath.



"Technically I did! You just blew a head gasket when I told you!"

"That is no excuse!" Joseph pouted

I soften my face, I then embrace him with a hug, "I'm sorry." He returns the hug, "I'm just glad you're back." We pull away from the hug, "hmm you think having a bit of vampire in you would make you a little strong."

I punched him again, "shut up,"

"Careful, your little fang might poke your lip," Joseph teased

Speedwagon jumped in, "alright you two that's enough, we better get going"


Joseph went to go eat, while Speedwagon and I went to go take care of something.

"Alright now I am going to make a call to see if Caesar is at the restaurant."

After he made the call I asked, "who is Caesar?"

Speedwagon smiled, "someone who can help us"

"I feel like you're hiding something"

Caesar Zeppeli x Reader Where stories live. Discover now