"Maybe both if you got it like that." A new voice emerged behind them.

Jalen turned to smile at Camila who was walking into the store.

"Uh... Who are you?" Sydney asked in a blunt tone.

"Camila. I'm Jalen's friend."

As Camila spoke Jasmine narrowed her eyes for a second then scoffed and turned to Jalen.

"I know you didn't invite the girl who gave you her number to a ring shopping trip for your ex. You're not stupid, are you?" Jasmine seethed quietly.

"I thought she could help." Jalen retorted.

"She doesn't even know Noel. How could she help? God, you're hopeless." Sydney shook her head, "Y'all ain't never getting back together."

Camila pursed her lips, "I think Imma go."

"No, stay. Look I know that she doesn't know Lani but I think someone who's not gonna be biased would help." Jalen pleaded.

Sydney and Jasmine looked at Camila, then at each other then turned to face the glass case again.

"Those must be her friends, huh?" Camila asked when Jalen stepped away from the case to speak with her.


"You know one of them is gonna tell her that you were with me right?"


"As long as you know. Okay." Camila pressed her lips together, then walked forward to join the girls who debating something.

"Aye listen, I'm not here to start nothing or take Jalen away from his ex. I'm twenty something, I don't date younger guys, especially not ones still in high school. I'm just trying to help because I know what it feels like to have the one that got away. That's all." Camila said in a sincere tone.

Sydney and Jasmine gave Camila a surprised look.

"Okay. I'm Syd and this is Jas. We were just talking about if Noel would like princess cut versus round cut diamond." Sydney said in a cautious tone.

"What's her personality like?" Camila asked as Jalen joined them as well, "It helps with a ring."

"How do I start?" Jalen chuckled, "She's blunt and to the point."

"She'll always go the extra mile for you." Jasmine interjected.

"She loves her family. Her and her mom are super close." Sydney dragged out the word love.

"She's really sarcastic and she raises her eyebrow a lot." Jalen attempted to do it then relaxed his face when he realized that he couldn't quite master it.

Sydney looked at the case then pointed to a ring on the second level with a butterfly on the band, "What about that one?"

"Eh. I think that one is too prissy for her. What about a necklace?" Jasmine nodded to a dainty teardrop pendant.

"I feel like a necklace isn't personal enough." Camila said, "What about..." Camila walked to another glass case full of rings and pointed at it, "This one?"

The girls followed her then stared at what she pointing to.

"Wow. Yeah, that's the one." Jasmine said in awe.

"Yeah. She would love this one." Sydney agreed.

Jalen limped over which caused Jasmine to give him a concerned look, "Are you good?"

"Maybe we should sit for a bit. Jordan's been telling me you've been doing too much at practice." Sydney said.

"No, no, no, I wanna get the ring." There was another sharp stab of pain in his foot caused his vision to go red for a second.

"We can get it. Just sit." Camila urged him.

"Yeah." Jasmine agreed.

Jalen gave Sydney the credit card and began to limp out of the store to attempt to sit at a table in the food court a couple of feet away.

His foot was completely on fire now and Jalen grit his teeth as he waited for the three girls to come out of the store.

"You good? You look like you're about to cry." Jasmine asked, the tiny jewelry store bag in her hands.

Jalen shook his head then grit his teeth again and dug his hand into his hoodie for his car keys, "My foot is fucked up. Someone else needs to drive me to the hospital."

Jasmine immediately scooped up the keys while Camila and Sydney allowed Jalen to wrap his arms around their shoulders for support.

They got looks but they all ignored the passerby's as the girls half carried, half dragged Jalen to his car.

would y'all like an epilogue once the book is done? I have a lot of ideas 🙂
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