Out of nowhere, Atsumu grabbed the collar of your shirt and shoved you against the wall.

He towered over your cowering figure as his eyes stared furious daggers at you. You felt his breath uncomfortably close as your own became shaky. His one hand stayed clutching your shirt as the other was on the wall beside your shoulder, trapping you in his hold.

Atsumu eyes widened as soon as he realized what he'd done.

Your face was red, but there were tears that had begun to leave your eyes. You pupils were contracted, staring at him with fear.

Shit. He quickly let go of you and backed away a few steps.

"Tch, whatever!" He looked the other way. "You obviously enjoy their company more, so you don't need me as a friend."

You stood there as Atsumu walked away and left you there.

He left you there.

Just like they did.


"Still jealous, are we?" Laying on the futon, Osamu casually asked as Atsumu stormed into the room. The gray haired twin expected any kind of flustered retaliation, but he got nothing. "Hm?"

Osamu sat up to see his brother... crying.

"Huh...?" Osamu shifted to get a better view as Atsumu flopped onto his own futon beside him.

"What happened, Atsumu?" Kita asked as he also seems to be concerned at the boy.

"I... I made her cry..."

Then why are you crying? Osamu thought.

"Seriously?" Suna sounded uncharacteristically angry, being pissed that Atsumu made his own close friend cry.

"I didn't mean to..." Atsumu's voice was now completely unstable. He didn't hold back his sobs. It was the first time in so long that he'd cried like this.

He buried his head into his knees and sobbed.

Kita gave a sorrowful look to Atsumu. He knew Atsumu would never want to make you cry, so he crouched down to comfort the boy.

"Ugh, dammit!" You kicked an empty can to the wall, as you still outside in the same place Atsumu walked away.

Putting your hands on your head, you bent down as you balanced in the front of your feet.

You thought you were used to it. But it was Atsumu, your closest friend, who had left you.

Tears didn't stop rolling down your face.

"(Y/n)?" A voice asked from behind.

You jumped up, wiping your sleeve on your face before turning to see who was there.

"Oh, Tendou..."

Tendou cocked his head to the side. "Why are you crying?" He slowly approached you.

"Me? Crying? You must be mistaken." You forced a laugh and looked up and away from him.

"Hm..." He looked down at you and tried to analyze your features in the dark surroundings of the night. "Are my guess monster skills suddenly rusty?"

"...no." You offered him a defeated sigh.

"Just as I thought." Tendou agreed, his voice being lower and quieter than usual.

"So what's my little buddy so upset about?" He guided you as you both sat down against the wall of the back of the gym.

"Miya fucking Atsumu."

"Oh?" He made the single syllable oddly extended. "Why?"

"That ass basically just ended our friendship."

"Is that so...?" Tendou thought out loud, "Why?"

"He won't admit it but I know he's a jealous piece of trash. All just because I'm making friends in this camp."

"He was supposed to be your friend though," Tendou squinted his eyes as if carefully calculating what to say. "Shouldn't he have been proud of you that you're getting along with others?"

You looked at him with bafflement. "Yeah.. yeah exactly!"

"He doesn't have the right to be your friend if he can't handle that." Tendou slowly inched closer to you, his pinky now touching yours.

Your face grew red as you tried to dismiss his actions as something unconscious. "But I... ugh, I hate that I still want to be friends with him, though."

Tendou's eyelids lowered as he hummed, his mouth a tiny small straight line that hung low on his face. "Guess you can't help your feelings."

You weren't quite sure what he referred to at first, but it was most likely the fact that you still wanted to be close to Atsumu.

Tendou's demeanour seemed to shift when he put his arms under your shoulders and hoisted you up.

"Wah- Tendou!"

The blocker let go, and smiled a genuine smile at you before turning his back to you. "Well, that shittleshick of an egotistical asshat stinker better apologize to you,"

How did he say that so casually?

"Because if not..."

His back turned slightly, his pupils in the corner of his eye met yours as he spoke out a promise,

"I'll have to take his position."

「 Sunshine 」|| Atsumu Miya x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin