Chapter Fourteen- Hiding and Entering the Darkness

Start from the beginning

And that she was.

As Rey watched the Millennium Falcon fly off unnoticed, she heard conversation down the hall from her. Rey ducked behind a pile of cargo boxes and watched, she was determined to find out what had motivated Kylo like that and what he was going to do.


She could have recognised that snappy voice anywhere. General Hux had a party of Stormtroopers following him into the ship launch room, some were sent off elsewhere to complete a task Hux was ordering them to do, while the others stayed and marched, guns in hands, behind the general and Captain Phasma who was also with them. They had not noticed the dead guards yet.

"Supreme Leader Ren has ordered that he go alone" Hux was saying.

"General Hux, I highly recommend that we do not allow the supreme leader to go on such a dangerous mission alone" said Phasma.

"Believe me Captain, I have tried to persuade him out of it, but he will not listen. There is something on that planet that Kylo Ren desires, and that could mean a lot for the First Order."

"Supreme Leader Ren" thought Rey from behind the cargo boxes. What was he thinking naming himself leader of the First Order, what good is that going to get him. As Rey zoned back into the conversation, she saw that Hux had halted and had finally realised the dead guards that she and Chewbacca had killed, Kylo must have been planning something big to distract Hux that much.

"What happened to the guards!" said Hux.

"Lockdown the ship" ordered Phasma. "We have an intruder on board."

Hux, Phasma, and the Stormtroopers left the launch bay ready to find the intruder. Rey was just about to climb out of her hiding place when she heard Hux's voice again, this time with a familiar one.

"No Ren. You cannot go now, and intruder is onboard."

"Relax Hux, I'm sure she will find her way out" the other voice said. It was Kylo. The two came into the launch bay alone. Ren's mask was nowhere to be seen but his lightsaber was clearly tucked into his belt ready for travel.

"It's the girl isn't it?" said Hux. "Do not go betraying us Ren, we are stronger than ever."

"I wouldn't dream of it" replied Kylo.

Rey noticed then, the prepared First Order jet that Kylo was heading towards. He had stopped to have another argument with Hux. This was Rey's chance. She was unseen as she tiptoed and climbed the ladder into Ren's ship. She hid behind another stack of boxes and waited for Kylo to come, she was going to find out where Ren was going, and she was going to stop him. After a few minutes the space craft was in space flying through the galaxy secretly hitching a ride with Kylo Ren. He had not said a word, not turned his radio or communicator on, he was doing this alone.


They were on a planet, not one far from the usual group that the battles against the First Order were held. Rey had been watching Kylo with a carful eye. He had landed his TIE fighter jet and walked out with his lightsaber ignited in his hands.

As Rey stood up from her hiding place behind the boxes, she saw what the plant looked like. There were autumn trees everywhere and the ground looked swampy in places, behind those trees ugly looking pig creatures were snooping at Ren, who was currently walking towards them not looking the friendliest. Apparently, the creatures were not that friendly either, they charged at the man with guns and sharp objects. Kylo dodged all of them, cutting them down and plunging his sabre into them like they were nothing but mere bugs.

The way the man fought was so amazing that it was unreal. How he had the control to still sense where danger was when his hair fell over his eyes, and how sweat poured down his face in like droplets but he did not tire and rest. One by one the piggy creatures fell, there were a lot of them. At one point, Rey thought he was done for as a gun was shot directly at his chest, but Ren stuck out his hand and the force froze the shot in mid-air, she didn't even know that was possible!

They were all dead after around ten minutes. Rey could still see the dark figure clad in black robes through the trees. She watched with a sharp eye.

There was something that the man was standing by, he was looking down at it. Suddenly he grabbed the sides of it and pushed in onto the ground. To Rey's eyes it was an ancient stone statue of a box, she wasn't surprised after the whole 'Heavier than a Wookie's helmet' incident that the weight of the stone was not too heavy for him to lift. Kylo picked something out of the statue and held it him his hand while he studied it for a second. Rey couldn't see what it was, but it must have been what he was looking for because he turned around again and strode back through the trees until he was pushing button in the TIE craft and lifting off once again. Rey hid back behind the boxes and sensed that it wasn't going to be a very calm ride to wherever they were going.


A planet that death had already taken, that what it was. Rey was exhausted but she couldn't take her eyes off Kylo Ren. She could see Coruscant from the glass window that Ren as also looking through. She had to shut her eyes at one point as they passed through what was like a wall of fire into the atmosphere, but she could still tell that Kylo had kept his open into he flames. They landed on a rock surface, Kylo drew his sabre but left the object he had found in the space craft. Rey got a look at it as she resurfaced from her hiding place.

It was a small triangular shaped item; glowing green lines ran down the edges and Rey felt the dark side of the force covering it. She felt pulled to the feeling of evil, but then a loud noise of stone scraping together distracted her. She ran from the fighter ship and was just in time to see Kylo Ren disappear into the blackness of some sort of underground cave. That was when the girl looked up. Rey didn't know hat it was, like a gigantic rock covering the planet, it was bigger than anything she had seen before. Rey drew her lightsabre and followed.

"For Ben" she thought before she two went into the pitch black and began to travel downwards into the cave.

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