Chapter 3- Traitorous Pests

Start from the beginning

I scrunched my nose at the suggestion. I had abig imagination, yes, but I couldn't write for shit. It wasn't a mystery where I got my storytelling habits from, considering mom was a writer in her sparetime, but she was stingy with the actual skill of writing.

Checking the time, I realized I still had an hour until Cyrus would be here to pick me up. We took turns driving each other to school and this week was his turn. I ate my breakfast quickly and took a cold shower to wake myself up.

Later in the car, my patience was being tested. "Swerve one more time and I'll shove this mascara down your windpipe."

"Then I'd lose control of the wheel and we would both be dead."

"But my lashes would still be flawless, please try me."

I was waiting for a response but heard nothing back. I gave a satisfied 'hm," and went back to my work.

The car suddenly jerked to the side. "Motherfucker- "


My brain was practically fried from how much math I was processing. I constantly had to poke Cyrus to make sure he was paying attention, but I was beginning to lose focus myself. I needed a mental break, so I excused myself to the restroom and instead took the time to explore the school.

The halls were easier to see when they were empty. It was a basic looking school, every main hall lined with metal lockers and spirit banners. I paused at a trophy case that was packed with sports achievements from past students.

So this school really was notorious for their soccer team. Trophy cups lined the two top shelves with various names of star players. I recognized two of the names for this year. Duncan Smith and Declan Montgomery. Impressive I guess, but I knew Cyrus could earn an award of his own.

I moved along the hallway until I heard a strange noise. It was like a pitter-patter. Was it raining outside maybe? I looked up at the sunroof but all I saw was blue clear skies, not a single cloud in sight.

But then the louder it got, the more it sounded like footsteps. Running footsteps. I still couldn't tell where it was coming from though, so I walked further down the hall to investigate.

There were two hallways on the right that branched off from the one I was currently walking through. One was a few steps further and the other was at the end of the hall. I could tell the footsteps were coming from the hall that was further away from me, so I very cautiously made my way over to take a peek.

I realized too late that I suspected the wrong hallway. The footsteps were immediately to my right and the next thing I knew, someone's body collided straight into mine and I let out a yelp. I felt hands grab me at the waist and our legs were thrown in a tangle as I was swung around.

I closed my eyes, expecting to hit the floor, but my back hit a wall instead. The first thing I saw was the top of his chest still rising and falling as he caught his breath. Then I looked up and met his eyes just in time to see the recognition flicker behind his dark gaze.

"Hey, you're that girl that slapped the shit out of me." Declan said as he smiled down at me brightly.

I became very aware of his hand placement then. One was leaning against the wall behind me from when he caught himself. The other was still resting on my waist from when he caught me.

Fuck you butterflies, you traitorous pests.

"Mhm, but this time it won't be an accident if you don't watch that hand of yours."

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