[5] Neck

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"So today we are starting our new challenge!", Chan almost shouted to the phone.

Mr Han needed to admit it was pretty wierd to see eight guys talking to a phone stand, how could the managers take this everyday?

They were explaining to Stays what they would be doing but the man stopped listening as he saw his son. His eyes were totally lost and it was more than obvious why. Hyunjin was now sitting on Minho's lap, the older embracing him from behind. They semmed pretty touchy and his son wasn't liking it at all.

"We need to be in pairs, this... Hyunjin that's not your pair."

The younger laughed and moved next to Changbin.

That's when Minho noticed Jisung's mood. He laughed and let himself fall of the couch to be next to him, but the younger looked away, determined to ignore him.

His father saw Minho whisper something to his son and he was suddenly a tomato. He smacked the older's head as he laughed, completly oblivious to the other people in the room. Ten minutes later Jisung had his head in Minho's shoulder as the older's hand caresses his knee, far away from the camera's eyes.

He looked at his wife and she only rolled her eyes, trying to keep the younger girl quiet.

"I am scared of whatever you are thinking about now, Bae."


The first day went by pretty fast. They had to go to a random park and do some activities, then they had lunch, some other games and a good amount of sunscreen on. In the evening they all had to deal with a scared minho because their restaurant was so high but Jisung kept holding his arm and whispering some kind words, even though he himself almost felt dizzy looking out of the window. Tha Han familly sat with the boys and heard their exiting storys about their pre debut stories and after that, they talked for hours and hours and they all grew a liking on each other. After some time Jisung excused himself and walked to the balcony, wanting some fresh air. No one followed him immediatly because they knew his anxiety made him leave sometimes. He just needed sometime.

"They are beautiful aren't they?", Jisung smiled at Minho, he knew all along he would eventually come to him.

The latter was standing a few feet away from the edge and had a smal smile painted om his lips.

Jisung walked to him and hugged the guy, who hugged back, his fingers stroking the younger's neck.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just stressed."

Minhi pulled away and faced Jisung.

"The show?"

"Also. My dad specially."

Minho looked confused.

"We have a complicated relationship. Specially since you appeared."


Jisung sighted and burried his face on the older's neck, not noticing the gasp that escaped from Minho's lips as he held him tight.

"Since we held hands in the survival show he has this idea that we'll eventually become a couple."

He waited for a reaction, he prayed that the boy wouldn't let him go and tightned the grip around Minho's body.

He heard a laught.

Then a hand stroking his hair again.

"And are we?"

Jisung rolled his eyes and faces him again.

"Very funny."

"So, your dad is a Minsung shipper?"

Jisung let a chuckle out, still not letting go of the grip. They were way to close, but none of them backed of.

"I still think it should be Jinho."

Minho rolled his eyes.

"We all know I would be the top Han-ah don't even try."

"No way, I'd be a top."

"Yes of course you would, baby."

Jisung shivered and thanked the lack of light outside, he was sure his face was a dark shade of red right now.

"I would never be a bottom."

Minho smiled and licked his lips.

"We'll see."

Jisung felt his heart racing as the older grabbed his hand and dragged him to the left, away from the windows that showed the balcony. He pushed him against the wall and smirked, putting his hands on both sides of his head.

"Minho what are you-", his eyes widened and his voice cracked as he felt the older's lips on his neck. He froze.

The older kissed his neck gently sending shivers down both of their spines. He traced a line to his shoulder and bit down slowly, making Jisung gasp. He immediately grabbed the younger shouders as he heard the latter laugh on his neck. Minho chose a spot that was covered by his shirt, usually, and left a mark. This time Jisung whinned as he felt the older suck his skin, his legs shaking.

"What happened to you top energy?", the older said between kisses feeling the younger grab in shoulders harder. He traced the line back to his neck and overed over his Adam's apple, thinking weather he should or not. Jisung got impacient and whinned again, making Minho smirk.

Top my ass.

He sucked the younger Adam's apple wining a loud moan from him.

Minho looked up and saw Jisung with his eyes wide open.

"Shit.", the shorter wanted to throw himself of the balcony as the older started laughing.

"Han-ah, you're so weak."

Jisung tried to get his hands away but nothing happened, he was still stuck to the wall.

"It's n-not funny. What the hell was that Lee Minho?", he tried to look mad but he was so confused at the moment. Was it just a "let me prove you wrong and that it buddy" kind of thing? Because it felt way too instense.

Minho stopped laughing and carresed Jisung's check, then he got closer to him and whispered in his ear.

"A top making a bottom moan, Sung."

Jisung closed his eyes and bit his tonge and he felt his lips pressed to his neck one more time, not so soft as last time. Minho let his neck go and faced him, their mouths closer than ever. Jisung panting slightly and focusing on the older's eyes, trying hard not to let his gaze slide down.

Holly shit.

I'm fucked.

"Jisung, Minho w-", they both turned to the source of the voice and saw a smiling Jeoning.Minho finally let Jisung step away fr the wall."We are leaving but you know what? Take your time."

Jisung burried his face on his hand and sighted.

Minho knew he was too shy to look at his now so he took the hands away and made him look him in the eyes. He straightened Jisung's clothes.

"Don't think too much.", then he just grabbed his hand and pulled him into the restaurant again, letting go of him as they saw the rest of the group.

Jisung got in the car and they started their trip home, him father gave him a small smile and Jisung knew he didn't notice anything, thank god.

Don't think too much.

What on earth do you mean with that Lee Minho?

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