[3] Let the fun begin

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Jisung smilled shyly as his parents greeted Minho, who was smiling too much for his liking.

Something was off.

His father looked pretty odd, like he had to go to the bathroom or something.

"You okay dad?"

He seemed to wake up from some kind of dream state.

"Of course, yes, sorry, we'll get going, right?"

Jisung smiled at Minho and walked away with his parents and sister.


"Don't even dare dad."


The couple woke up and went to the living room pretty early, all the boys were still sleeping.
Jisung's father looked at them, all together in the matress on the floor. Jisung was next to the australian boy with the deep voice who had his head resting on the small guy's chest, they looked like a couple. He sighed. His son had always had trouble with accepting his bissexuality. It was his fault though, it's hard to make a 7 year old believe that it is correct after he cheated on his mom with a guy. They had all forgiven his drunk ass now but Jisung had became a little bit of an homophobe with that. He was surprised that his senses didn't tingle and make him wake up and get away from the two cuddling teenagers laying by his side.

He walked over to the kitchen and found the leader and the youngest guy talking, the smaller sitting in the counter while the older cooked something.

"Oh, hi Mr Han."

"Please, call me Bae."

( yes I totally made up their names don't judge me)

Chan shyly smilled and nooded, asking if he wanted any scrumbled eggs.

He thanked him and turned to the living room again, wanting to fetch his phone from the room.

His son was already awake and he was curled up in the couch with the first boy he saw. Hyunjin? Or something like that. They were laughing and the latter was pointing at the two cuddling boys from before. He got his phone and went back to the kitchen.

"Chan, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Mr... Bae, I mean."

He smiled at the guy.

"I don't mean to be disrespectful but... How do I say this?"

Jeongin looked at him, curious.

"I'll do this another way, has Jisung ever seem, homophobic around you? Because I see you are all pretty close and touchy from your shows and stuff and he never really liked those things, he was rather disgusted by them a couple of years ago."

He could swear they both thought him to be crazy.

Jeongin was the first one to react by laughing his ass of.

"Jisun Hyung? A homophobe? That's the joke of the day."

Chan rolled his eyes at the younger but smiled.

"He isn't, he's totally okay with all of us."

"I see, I' sorry if that sounded wierd."

"People can change, I guess.", they all turned to see Changbin and Felix at the entrance." Sorry to eavesdrop, I just happened to hear it all."

"Where are you going, Lix?

"Innie, honorifics."

"Sorry Chan Hyung."

"I have a rehearsal with Lee Know and Hyunjin now"

The boy smiled as the shorter passed him a plate. They both sat at the table.

"Are the others awake yet?"

"I'm not sure Chan, Jisung fell asleep again and Hyunjin is no where to be found. I have no idea where Seungmin went."

"Felix, we need to go.", Mr Han turned to see the guy. His hair was already a mess and his face sold him away, he just wanted to sleep.

He bowed to the adult and left the kitchen.

Felix sighed and got up, he gently kissed Changbin's lips and ruffled Jeoning's hair before bowing and leaving the room followed by a sleepy Changbin.

Jisung's father was still processing it.

"See, he cannot be a homophobe with this group.", Chan had to use all his strenght not to laugh at the older man's shocked face.


"Chan and Jeongin.", the two got together as they were paired up for the 3 days show they were filming.

"Hyunjin and Changbin.", the two smilled and positioned themselfs on the other side.

"Lee Know and Jisung.", the guys smiled at eachother and got to their place, pretty close to Jisung's familly. He turned to wave at his sister as the remaining pair was annouced and rolled his eyes at his father's dancing eyebrows. Minho slightly pushed him as they had to go foward to recieve their first missions that they had to do during the next three days.

Jisung couldn't help it but feeling a little bit nervous. It was like this all the time with the older. Some days they were best friends, couldn't get enough of each other and had no breaks. Then, on other days, it was like something held them back, like every single time their bodies touched he needed to get away from the feeling he gave him. Some days he couldn't look the older in the eyes and on other days he would cuddle him to sleep. Of course he couldn't let his father find that out or his life would be ruined. He loved his father but that man didn't know when to shut up. He didn't want him to scare Minho away with his constant teasing. He couldn't lose Minho.

The fact that they had to spend the next three days together, literally all the time, was also leaving his nervous but he didn't understand why. They already did that do often, it should be normal. But here he was, heart racing as the older got a old of his wrist to pull him to out of the meeting room as he prayed his dad didn't see it.

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