Long Lasting Friendship

Start from the beginning

Every morning I would write everything I could think of about who I used to be in the note book I had been given. I hid it in my trunk of clothes at the end of my bed. Not the best place but I didn't have any other.

My biggest fear was one day forgetting who I really was.

Third pov

It was October 10th, Narutos 8th birthday, when things changed. For the two years I had been there, Narutos birthday was one of the worst days of the year. Everyone had vengeance for him. Everyone was in mourning of lost friends and family.

Yui would remember this day for a very long time.

It had started out how Narutos birthday normally started, with Yui and him waking up earlier then anyone else and scarfing down stolen breakfast from the kitchen before heading out.

They both knew better then to stick around the orphanage for very long. They went to their usual spot, the tree with the swing that set close to the academy. Both of them dreamed of being ninjas and would frequently spy on the other kids already enrolled. Yui encouraged Naruto to start training early, and since her little body could only do so much, she usually just made him work out with her in the mornings and watch the other kids practice kunai throwing.

Yesterday Yui had secretly went out and bought a cupcake and candle. By doing chores around the house she would get paid. Not enough to really buy anything more than a piece of candy, but she saved up enough for this day. She had gotten it from the local bakery so it came in a cute box and everything. She then hid it in the very back of the fridge, covering it with vegetables she knew none of the other kids were interested in.

Making sure to have grabbed it on her way out, Yui set the box on the swing, making it sway gently back and forth. It was quiet. Most people weren't up yet and those that were were to busy or lost in their thoughts to care.

Yui's pov

I could see a grin starting to grow on Narutos face. He was usually tired around this time but it was obvious his excitement kept him awake.

"It-it's not much Nar-Naruto. But you can still blow it out and-and make a wish."

Opening the box I revealed the cupcake to both of us. It was fairly big with orange icing sitting beautifully on top of the vanilla cake part. A yellow wrapper held it in place and blue sprinkles had been put on top. I felt overwhelming happy at it, it was exactly what I had hoped it would look like.

Naruto looked at it in aw before hurriedly hugging me.

"It looks so cool!" His ocean eyes glowed in unmasked happiness, causing mine to light up as well.

"Hehe I'm glad you-you like it. Let me light the candle!"

I pulled out my small box of matches. They had been the only thing I had really spent my money on for myself. I might be in a new body but I was still ashamed of my fire justu fails.

Quickly shoving the candle in the center, I struck a match and lit it.

I watched as Naruto stared the flame down before closing his eyes and blowing it out.

"Tr-Try it try it!!"
I was ecstatic! I hoped he would like it!

He gently picked it up, as if it was a fragile glass rose, then peeled the wrapper off. I watched in excitement and he looked like he was gunna bite into it, before he suddenly stoped.

"What-what's wrong?"
I tried not to sound hurt. Did he not like it anymore?

He looked at me before grinning and tearing it in half, holding a piece out to me.

"Take it! It's only fair!! Especially since I forgot about your birthday believe it!"

"Ah-ah are you su-sure?"

He hadn't meant to forget, while I still had my old birthday memorized I didn't have this one. And so I just opted for not having one at all.

Once Naruto found out I didn't "remember" my birthday, he decided to make me a new one.

My birthday is now August 27th.

"Of course I'm sure! Here!"

He shoved his tiny hand towards me. Carefully I took it from him. He looked at me expectantly, slowly bringing his own half to his mouth.

'He wants to eat it at the same time.'

Slowly we both took a bite.

"Mm it is-is good!"
My voice squeaked after I had swallowed. It was good. It had been a while since I had had a cupcake.

Naruto loudly laughed, not bothering to cover his mouth.

"What-what is it?"

"You've got- hahaha- you've got icing on your nose!!"
He pointed at his own.

I blushed in embarrassment, harshly dragging my hand across the top of it.

I looked at the laughing Naruto and slowly began to laugh myself.

'Happy birthday Naruto.'


I know things seem dull right now but soon the story line is gunna get on the road I promise. Meanwhile enjoy this cute Naruto and Yui fluff!!!

Love you all
Be back soon


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