It's as if she had completely shut down.

I kept holding onto the hope that she would turn her attention back to me again, but she never did. She was laughing and smiling with her friend which made my heart flutter. The unnamed girl radiated positivity.

My eyes left her for a second to look around the restaurant. My gaze landed on the blonde waiter who was serving her. He was raking her body with his eyes, checking her out as he leans his head towards one of his friends dressed in the same uniform as him, probably whispering vulgar and disgusting things about her to him.

The thoughts of what he could be saying caused my jaw to clench as my eyes drifted off of him and onto an older man who was sitting on a table across from her. Salt and pepper hair sat on the top of his wrinkled head as he looked around the age of 50, he was well-dressed and had a golden ring placed on the ring finger of his left hand. In front of him sat a blonde woman in a skimpy pink dress, she had her hair perfectly curled as it sat on her shoulders. I glanced down at her hand too and noticed she wasn't wearing a ring. Typical old rich men. The woman with him was speaking while his eyes were fixed on the girl.

As I glanced around the room, I noticed that the majority of men had their eyes placed on her; even a few women. Yet she seemed completely oblivious to her beauty.

My eyes landed back on her, and my jaw unclenched and body relaxed.

"Dom" Carter whispered from my right hand side, which broke me from my fixed gaze on the girl. "What" I uttered, my eyes on him now. "It's time to go."

I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to leave her there, but I couldn't show any emotions here. So I got up and treaded out the restaurant - instantly feeling the need to hear the melody of the girls laugh again.

My mind drifts back to the club in the present as I realise that I had just been standing there awkwardly, in the middle of the large room, staring at the girl for a while. The room is tense and silent until Carter excitedly yells "YOU BROUGHT HOES".

Kyle's eyes leave my awkward standing position and fly across the room to Carter. His jaw clenches and his fists curl up by his side while his eyes turn fiery. Begging the question as to who she is to him.

I place my attention at the girl once again, she holds a slightly disgusted look on her face and her eyes are filled with embarrassment, clearly suggesting she feels uncomfortable at Carter's remark. Her friend who stands besides her has the same expression etched across her face, disgusted. It is very clear that they are not whores, especially not for us.

"Shut the fuck up" I bark before I can stop myself. My eyes fall down as I feel pressure against my palms, only to see my fists curled into a ball as well.

I loosen my fists and wiggle my fingers so they regain their previous flexibility. Carter clears his throat apologetically as I lift my head to look up at Kyle, who is already gaping at me with a confused, yet amused, expression.

I pull my shirt slightly from the hem in order to straighten it and break the tension by pacing up to Kyle and wrapping an arm around his back, giving him a brotherly hug as I pat his back roughly.

He hugs me back while patting his palm against my back twice as hard, before glaring at Carter once more and turning his eyes towards the awaiting girls.

"This is my sister, Hope." He announces while gesturing his arm towards Hope, strolling up to her, and giving her a side hug, bringing her closer to his chest. Her expression screams joy and warmth at her brother's actions.

Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.


"And this is her best friend, Nora" he adds, nodding his head towards the girl in white, she looks to be around the same height as Hope. Maybe an inch shorter. I wasn't able to recognise the colour of her eyes earlier at the restaurant, but now that she stands right before me, I can confirm that they are hazel. I also notice light freckles on her cheek, beneath her eyes.

I make my way over to them, and even though I'm nervous as fuck, I hold my right hand out to Hope.

"I'm Dominic" I state with confidence.

She hesitantly grabs my hand with her right hand and shakes it firmly. She has perfectly manicured small, soft hands that fit perfectly with mine.

"Nice to meet you, Dominic" she announces with a smile as her eyes hold onto mine. My lips form into a small smile as the words leave her mouth. Kyle clears his throat, reminding me that his sister and I have been 'introducing' ourselves for an excessively long amount of time now.

I turn my attention towards her friend, Nora, and repeat the action in order to introduce myself.

Carter walks towards Hope and gives her a big hug. She looks uncomfortable as she stood there, not hugging him back. Which is probably more embarrassing for him rather than her.

"Hi" she squeaks out, obviously still unamused by the name he had used to call her and Nora.

We all sit ourselves on the multiple couches within the room and order a few drinks as we speak.

Cole enters the room around an hour and a half later with his arm draped across Cheryl, his girlfriend's shoulder. Cole used to be the biggest player I could remember, he used to fuck every girl he laid his eyes on until he met Cheryl.

Originally, he planned on just fucking her and then leaving but when he tried, Cheryl told him to fuck off and she slapped him. This is what got Cole's attention. He wasn't used to rejection and Cheryl's rejection hurt his ego so he tried everything in his power to get her to say yes, until one day he realised that sex wasn't what he wanted anymore. He wanted her, all of her.

Cheryl eventually felt the same way after a while. Now they've been dating for nearly 2 years and I honestly have never seen him happier. Cheryl is incredible as well, she's like a sister to Kyle, Carter, and I.

She completes him.

Carter did try to fuck her before he found out that she was dating Cole. It ended very painfully for Carter - he still has the scars to prove it.

"Hey Cherry" I announce, jumping off my seat to go hug Cheryl.

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