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Stick: I feel like we all need some serious mental help 

Stick: That was a joke please don't hate me- 

Mr Cheese: What's the dare now? 

Stick: Ha 

Stick: You were dared to make The Gentleman cry of happiness 

Mr Cheese: 

Stick: I know I know 

Mr Cheese: So should I lie or- 

Stick: Yeah probably 

Mr Cheese: But 

Stick: Look I'm sorry but this is truth or dare in tHIS universe you have no choice 

Mr Cheese: But what about my trusting relationships speech 

Stick: Oh 

Stick: Uh 

Stick: ...Ignore it? 

Mr Cheese: 

Mr Cheese: ...Fine 

Stick: So what are you gonna do 

Mr Cheese: You'll see 


Mr Cheese: Hey Gent? 

The Gentleman: *reading a book* Yes, Mr Cheese? 

Mr Cheese: What would you say if I just randomly showed up with a box of seven fluffy kittens? 

The Gentleman: 

Mr Cheese: *opens box* 

The Gentleman: Uh- 

Kittens: *crawl onto lap* 

Mr Cheese: Oh look, they like you 

The Gentleman: One of them fell asleep on my foot 

The Gentleman: Another fell asleep on my arm 

The Gentleman: WhatdoIdoMrCheeseIcan'tjustmove 

Mr Cheese: *snuggles with The Gentleman* 

The Gentleman: Ok now I seriously can't move 

Mr Cheese: I love you 

The Gentleman: ...I love you too, Mr Cheese 

Stick: Sooooo did it work? 

Mr Cheese: Not really, but this works too

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