Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

There was something that flickered in Enzo's eyes instantly as he withdrew his hand from my shoulder. He quickly smiled to conceal what we both knew that I had no doubt seen in his eyes.

"I'm an Alpha and sometimes the job gets tasking. When I play, I let everything out. It's more therapeutic than shifting,"

I couldn't tell if he was lying or not but I understood without a doubt that whatever I had witnessed just moments before, Enzo didn't want to acknowledge nor talk about it. I wondered why. My curiosity was set ablaze but I decided that it was best to not prod. He avoided my questions for a reason.

"Don't stress yourself out too much trying to be everyone's hero," is all I say. I looked around, the room seeming to get a bit brighter as I stared up at the bookshelves. I wanted to reach up and grab one but restrained myself. "Also, I wanted to ask you if you found out anything about me? Like who I am or where I came from because I refuse to believe that I just dropped from the sky one day,"

Enzo considered me for a long minute as his lips tucked into each other. I decided to ask him this to keep up the facade because, to be honest, it wouldn't look too good if I never seemed to show any interest in who I possibly might be even though the last thing I needed was for Enzo to go poking his nose in my business. Well, it was a risk I was willing to take for the sake of keeping up this ruse.

Enzo's response to my question was to peer deeply into my eyes. Once again, the weight of his gaze travelled down my spine, curled around it like a snake and then finally settled on my lower back. It was heavy and daunting and my eyes drifted away from his, unable to handle the heaviness, unable to handle the way I suddenly wanted to fall to my feet.

"I didn't find anything yet, Aoife but be honest with me. There is something you're not telling me. I don't only see it in your eyes that you're hiding something but I also feel that way too,"

I had to stop myself from inhaling a sharp breath. I didn't know what to say. I had no clue about how to counter what he just said. For some reason, my mind just wasn't working properly. Was Enzo starting to suspect me? This literally came out of nowhere. I forced myself to remain calm as my mind went loose to find a solution. Before I could think of anything, Enzo took my face in his hands and pulled my gaze back towards his, invading my space as his soft touch enticed me. He was so close to me as his eyes trampled against the franticness of mine. His gaze refused to unhand mine, seizing it as its captive as the heaviness once again settled at the base of my spine, even heftier now. Much more forceful. It was an unending dull pain that I couldn't decide whether or not I was imagining as those dark eyes took me prisoner.

"Tell me, Aoife. What is it that you're not telling me?"

That's when I understood what Enzo was doing. He was an Alpha. A suspicious Alpha who wanted answers so he was using his wolf's dominance to intimidate me into being honest. His eyes had trapped me so he would catch even a hint of a lie.

So I decided not to lie.

"You're right, Alpha. I haven't been completely honest," I start, my voice hitched and barely above a whisper. If Enzo couldn't hear me then he made no show of it. He only looked on with more intent, his gaze deepening and that pain against my spine was so crushing that my features almost scrunched together in agony.

Through a hushed whisper, I said - "my parents passed away,"

Instantly, the weight on my lumbar region disappeared into thin air despite Enzo's gaze deepening tenfolds. His eyes held questions. Questions that I decided to answer before he asked them.

"I-I have been getting some flashbacks recently. Nothing too clear," my voice continues in a shaky direction. "And a few days ago I remembered my parents. I don't exactly remember much like their names or death or anything but I do remember crying over their deaths and feeling an overwhelming amount of grief because I lost them. So I have been worried about the memory and contemplating whether or not I should tell you because I was so unsure,"

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