Chapter 14: Pravda's Downfall

Start from the beginning

Miho: You're a reckless idiot, you know that?

Y/n: A calculating idiot. This is all a calculated risk Miho, one that I'm willing to take. Trust me, just this once.

Miho: Fine, but if you die I'm gonna kill you!

I chuckled and strung the panzershreck over my shoulder, waving Miho off and jogging around the village. I had to be stealthy, as being caught before they moved to the town centre meant capture. Faint engine rumbling could be heard, which unfortunately startled Katyusha.

Katyusha: Sounds like Ooarai is making a move!

Klara: Sorry Katyusha, just keeping my engine warm!

Katyusha sighed and began moving with her crew to the village centre, giving me a prime opportunity to set up shop. I loaded one of four rockets I had with me and aimed at the KV-2. Being a pilot I still couldn't take out the flag tank, but that didn't stop me taking out a few regular ones.

Over in the distance I heard Katyusha screaming at Nonna about where we had gone. Perfect. My gloved finger tightened around the trigger and I fired, sending sparks flying out behind me and the rocket soaring through the air, slicing oxygen molecules and the KV-2's armour in half. A small explosion rang out and a familiar white flag popped up, prompting me to load another rocket. I aimed at a regular T-34 and fired, watching the armour combust and explode in a fiery wreck.

Y/n: Two more rockets left. Better make them count.

By now Pravda had heard the explosions and were rushing over, confusion ran wild amongst their numbers as I loaded yet another rocket.

Katyusha: What the hell is going on?!

Nonna: I don't know Katyusha, but I have my suspicions.

Y/n: Bombs away!

I fired the third rocket, hearing the satisfying ping as it penetrated the tank's armour. Snow rained down on the three now immobile tanks as my last rocket was loaded.

Y/n: Most important shot, I need to aim it right or we lose and this whole plan was for nothing. Come on Y/n!

I aimed the sights next to the flag tank, wanting to slightly damage but not take out the flag tank. If I hit it just right, the tank won't be able to move it's turret or fire it's weapon. Giving us an easy shot on it.


I let the rocket fly, gazing on as it glided smoothly through the Siberian winter, howling louder than the snow storm currently belting down. The rocket dug into the snow and exploded, sending shrapnel into the turret and disabling it.

Katyusha: Was that a rocket?!

Klara: It seems so. Whose the one that fired it though?

I stood tall above them on the hill and gave a salute before slinging the panzershreck over my shoulder and taking off, leaving the village behind and heading to sector B2.

Katyusha: All remaining crews into their tanks at once! We charge Ooarai head on and snuff out their puny school forever!

The girls gave a booming cheer and stampeded toward their tanks, swiftly clambering in and firing up the engines. Diesel soon dominated the air and wafted throughout the town, polluting what was once a fresh scented habitat.

I kept on running, crashing through the dense white forestry that shrouded Ooarai's tanks. Soon enough I met up with Erwin and hopped in their tank to find Kiyomi knocked out cold.

Y/n: What happened?

Erwin: She came down with a fever and passed out on us. Can you help?

Y/n: I can do one better. I can shoot this fucking flag tank of Pravda's.

Suprised, Erwin helped me into the gunner's seat as she nursed Kiyomi, feeling her head to make sure she was cooling off. I looked down the sights and adjusted my seat so that I could fire as soon as I saw their flag tank.

Erwin: When did you learn to shoot a gun Y/n?

Y/n: I took ballistics classes in school. They taught me how to calculate distance and shell trajectory. All that's left is to pull the trigger, and I can sure as shit do that.

Erwin nodded in agreement and ordered the driver to shut off the Stug's engine, allowing the snow on top not to melt and effectively camoflauge us. Soon enough rumbling and roaring engines came barreling towards us, making the whole hippo team hold their breath. I however calmly breathed out and lined up my sights with the cowering flag tank that sat at the back, being shoddily protected by two T-34's.

Y/n: You guys have any armour piercing shells?

Erwin: We have 1 as is allowed per match. Why do you ask?

Y/n: I'm planning to penetrate a T-34 aswell as the flag tank. Can you load the AP shell?

Erwin: Yeah I can, give me a moment.

Rustling came from behind me before the shell was finally loaded. It nestled into the barrel with a satisfying clink as Erwin sat back down.

Erwin: Shell is ready. Make this count Y/n.

Y/n: I will.

I aimed at the T-34's tracks, making sure the flag tank was directly behind the T-34 before wrapping my finger around the trigger.


The shell rang out inside the Stug as it glided towards the flag tank, ripping through the T-34 and hitting the flag tank, disabling both targets.

Erwin: You did it Y/n! It worked!

Y/n: Of course it did, I had no doubt about it.

On the outside I was cool as a cucumber, aided by the bitter draft flowing through the tank. But on the inside I was a nervous wreck, barely able to control my quivering hands.

Y/n: We.....did it.......

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