Free Ice Cream (super short story)

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Skizz: Tangooo, could you come with me for a sec?
Tango: I'm doing my homework wh-
Skizz *talking super quickly*: there's free ice cream but it's only for 7-year-olds and under. *take a breath*
Tango: I'll go after I finish my homework.
Skizz: Here let me do your homework *work work* this is super easy, what took you so long?
Tango: it is, you just need to give me time-
Skizz: Anyways cmon let's go.

Tfc, the ice cream man: sorry but this is just for 7-year-old and under-
Skizz: yea, I'm just here to supervise my little brother. *shrugs tango*
Tango: uh- 2 chocolate ice cream, please.

Skizz: see! Free ice cream! Now don't tell anybody else, pretty please...
Tango: since you've done my homework, okay I guess.

*later at night*
Tango, preparing books for tomorrow: wait- this is all the wrong answers- SKIZZ!

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