Curious Zedaph (short story)

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This one is written by Mg! this is Zedaph's character catcher.

Zedaph: *looks up at all of REMP* how is everyone so long upwards
MG: I'm sorry, long upwards?
Zedaph: yea, that's what I said.
MG: ya mean tall? Zedaph: erm... *still doesn't know* yes.
MG: oh we eat our vegetables.
Zedaph: Then why isn't sheep or Mr.Wooly tall?
MG: well...
Zedaph: why don't we eat the vegetables on the floor out in the park?
MG: that isn't-

*Ender comes into the room*
Zedaph: giraffe girl!
Ender: what-
Zedaph: why don't you eat the ground like sheep?
Do you cheat to grow upwards long?
Ender: upwards lon-
MG: tall, he means tall.
Zedaph: why aren't caterpillars tall?
MG: Zed, I can't answ-

*Impulse walks in the room*
Zedaph: Impulse!
Impulse: yea?
Zedaph: vegetables make you grow upwards lo- *sees MG's raised eyebrow* tall.
Impulse: and?
Zedaph: come with me... *walks to room with Impulse*
Ender: are they gonna kill themselves?
MG: Nah there's no grass in their room.

*1 hour later*
*Ender and MG taking a nap*
Pat *whispers* cmon boys it's time to go to the park.
Impulse: aw yea! Is Rin coming?
Pat: yes, Rin is taking care of you and Zed.
I'm taking care of Tango and Skizz.
Zed: >:3
*at the park*
*Rin reading a book*
*Pat watching Tango and Skizz*
Zed and Impulse: CUNCH

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