Truth or Dare (Short Story)

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This one is made by Mg! (the longest one so far)

Skizz: Yo- it's game night! What are we gonna play?
Pat: blocks?
Tango: we can't, Zed and I have already used em all for a fort. And we ain't gonna take it down.
Pat: oh yea you did...
Ender: what about you learn something instead of play something? I mean, y'all play everyday...
Impulse: we play every day but not with y'all every day so, please???
Ender: alright
Rin: how bout truth and dare? I played that when I was young.
MG: same here, always resulted in chaos though...
Pat: I think it wouldn't be too hard, they're young.
Skizz: heheheh-
Rin: but you sir, keep your questions in the kid zone ok?
Skizz: well there goes my dare of vinegar and baking soda
Zed: Oh I know what happens!
Impulse&Tango: what?
Zed: a-
MG: plant appears.
Zed: wha? Oh yea, a plant.
Pat: so truth and dare?
All: yep!

MG: Ok we're in a circle
Impulse: people in a circle, what would they do?
Tango: play a game. Now let's start. Pat, you ask first.
Pat: Skizz, truth or dare?
Skizz: D A R E
Pat: I dare you to hug Tango
Skizz: well that's simple *walks over and hugs Tango*
Pat: good.

Skizz: okie, Impulse, truth or dare?
Impulse: em, truth...
Skizz: how many shovels do you have?
Impulse: *sweats nervously* erm well, Rin gave me 3... gold, diamond, and emer- I mean diamond
Skizz: is that alllllll?
Rin: ••• why didn't ya tell anyone? And how did Skizz know?
Skizz: things bulge out of pockets.
Impulse: I was scared someone will ask it back but it's been a month so...
Tango: A MONT-
Rin: it's fine, next!

Impulse now cheerful: Tango!
Tango: dare me. (THAT'S MAH BOY!)
Impulse: go to the person you care about most in the room and give her or him a hug.
Tango: will someone scold me for who I choose
Pat, slightly scared: no... it has to be the truth though...
Tango: alright. *stands up and scans everyone, then runs to Pat and gives her a big hug burying his face in her shirt while blushing*
Rin: welp that was simple wasn't it?
Pat: yes :') hugs Tango back

Tango: RIGHT! I dare MG
MG: uh oh... truth
Tango: truthfully, who would you like to babysit most?
Tango: right, out with it.
MG: right right, erm...
Ender: in the count of 3
Skizz: 1...
Zed: 2...
MG: I don't wanna hurt feelings...
Rin: 3!
Ender: yay *claps*
MG: lol...
Rin: why of course though?
MG: Well when you take care of someone for so long you grow to like him. Zed is very curious and constantly wants to learn. For example cooking.
Impulse: plsnotcrunchypancakes
Zed: CRUNCHY PANCAKES! *goes and sits on MG's lap*
Skizz: hey! The circle!
Zed: :p can't move me
Tango: technically...
MG: *wraps hands around Zed and Mr. Wooly* nope.
Zed: :>

MG: Now, you're next Rin.
Rin: imma wanna dare!
MG: I dare you to get bubble tea for all of us
Rin: hey- that ain't a good dare
MG: yes XD ok, I dare you to cook us pancakes.
Impulse: OOOO will it be better than Zed's???
Rin: *slight scoff* right, pancakes tomorrow breakfast.
MG: finally someone else...
Rin: don't expect greatness!
Impulse: I'm sure it'll be good :)
Rin: wanna help? :)
Impulse: YEA!
Ender: but that won't be a solo dare...
MG: I can make exceptions
Rin: yes! For that, you get bubble tea
Zedaph: you never tried bubble tea have ya?
MG: nope! Never have
Zed: right...makebubbletea
MG: eh?

Rin: AND ENDER! Come forth, well no stay in the circle.
Ender: *chuckles* what circle? *sees all ZITS on REMP's laps*
Skizz: welp...
Ender: truth, go.
Rin: wings wings?
Ender: yes yes. But no no use much much. Also, hide hide sometimes.
Pat: love this speech
Impulse: indweed
Rin: oop, Impulse you're speaking like that again...
Impulse: :3

Ender: ok and lastly, Zed
Zed: truth... I don't like dares.
Ender: ok... here's a tough one
Zed: *squirms* not too hard...
Ender: is
Zed: •
Ender: that
Zed: ••
Ender: sheep
Zed: •••
Ender: looking at me?
Zed: *GASP looks at Mr. Wooly*
Ender: so?
Zed: yes. Yes, Mr. Wooly is looking at you! *CHEERING*
Ender: wooo!!! Mr. Wooly rarely looks at anyone but Zed and MG!
MG: indeed! Congrats!

Skizz: *yawn* that was fun...
Rin: yes!
Impulse: *starts curling up in Rin's hands* told y'all we should play and not learn...
Ender: *smiles* yes now y'all have to sleep, your eyes are drooping
Zed: no they're no- *falls asleep*
Tango: how did he fall asleep that fast?*yawn*
Pat: *whispering* ah well... let's put em to bed.

*10 minutes later**ZITS in bed and REMP in the living hall*
Rin: ok... they're tucked away
MG: yep
Rin: I owe you boba ;)
MG: *grinning yes*
Pat: do I get any?
Rin: no but you get to try a burger
Ender: woo! Finally!
Pat: :DDD
MG: Think we should sleep, someone else is making breakfast tomorrow so I am sleep in :>
Rin: *sigh* yea...
Ender: at least you have Impulse
Rin: yea!!!
Pat: plsnocrunchypancakes
Rin: *laugh* I hope not.


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