Left (idk a better title :p)

45 2 0

This one is made by Rin!

REMP is packing up
Mrs. SV: you girls ready?
MG: yes ma'am
Ender: we'll be off in 30 minutes

Skizz: Woah Woah where are you guys going? What's with the packings?
Pat: we're going home, for a while. Since Mr. and Mrs. SV is home from travels, our job to babysit you guys is done!
Tango: home?? I thought this is your home??
Rin: hahaha, oh sweetheart, this IS our home, second home. Our first home is really far away from here.
Pat: that's right! Rin and I are off to Indonesia. MG is going back to Malaysia while Ender is off to India
Rin: after this, we're going to be on opposite sides of the world!
Skizz: opposite sides?
Tango: OF THE WORLD???
Impulse: is it really that far??? Are you guys really gonna travel around the world without us-
Zed: do you guys really need to go.. can't you stay here?
Ender: well, we have our own families to visit! We also miss our parents and siblings as much as you guys miss each other at school.
Impulse: but are you guys gonna come back here?
Pat: it depends.
Mr. SV: well, if mom and dad are off to work again, we'll call them again, then.
ZITS: let them stay here pleaseeeee
MG: whoa there, we'll miss you guys too :]
Ender: we can't miss the plane, we already have our tickets on us
Rin: we really can't stay here forever, sweeties. We promise to keep in touch.
Impulse: *runs and hugs Rin* I'll cry if Rin goes...
Skizz: *holds Impulse* then you'd probably get dehydrated.. let her go Impulse
Impulse: NO
Rin: Hey hey, alright let's make a deal.. hey guys?

REMP whispering at each other, discussing how to work this out

Pat: hey boys, check this out! Here's a very important paper with our phone numbers!
Zed: ...phone numbers? But we don't have gadgets yet
Mr. SV: well we'll buy one for you boys.
Pat: it's a deal? But you can't lose this treasure of ours. Keep it safe! Alright?
ZITS: deal!

Ender: girls, we gotta go now.
Pat: well that might be our last treasure together for now :)
Rin: we'll miss you guys
MG: oh for sure.. I might not be able to sleep for a while-
Mrs. SV: boys, give them one last hug
ZITS: *hugs REMP tightly* don't forget about us or we'll commit arson.
Rin: we won't! (Whispering) holy- Pat what did you teach them..
Pat: I dunno :]

REMP: bye-bye! Don't cry boys, we'll meet again!
ZITS: AAAAAAAlright bye!!!

Skizz: k where's the paper
Tango: I thought you had them?
Impulse: I gave it to zed- Zed?
Zedaph: waiT WHERE

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