"Oh." Dean looks over towards Lucas. I follow his gaze and see Lucas coloring again all by himself and it makes me frown.

"Mind if we say hi?" Dean doesn't let Andrea answer and pulls me with him towards Lucas.

"Why'd you drag me with you?" I ask, wrapping my hands around his arm. I got a whiff of the leathery and musky smell, the same smell I got back in Colorado when I woke up with his jacket around me. It was a good smell, I hate to admit.

"You seem like someone who would be good with kids." He says honestly. I smile up at him.

"You're not wrong." I shrug as we near Lucas. "Hey there, Mister." I gently say, stepping away from Dean and kneeling on the opposite side of Lucas once we got to him.

"How's it going?" Dean asks, following my actions by crouching down next to me with a soft chuckle. We look at each other when Lucas doesn't spare us a glance.

"Oh, I used to love these things." Dean grabs one of the green army men and makes shooting noises. I look at him weirdly, but amusingly, and shake my head to tell him to stop, which he does.

"I see you like to color a lot." I say instead, looking back at Lucas.

"You're really good too. Got talent." I smile, looking towards his drawings.

"Do you mind if we color with you?" I reach for a piece of construction paper and Dean gets up to sit on the bench, grabbing his own paper and crayon.

"You know, I'm thinking you can hear us. You just don't want to talk." Dean starts. "I don't know exactly what happened to your dad, but I know it was something real bad." Dean looks to Lucas before going back to his drawing. I continue with mine. I draw a little house and my family, smiling sadly as I draw my mom.

"I kinda know how you feel, Lucas." I speak up. I feel Dean look towards me, but I just continue to draw, moving onto my dad.

"I saw something real bad too, when I was a little older than you. I lost..." I clear my throat as I draw my sister. "I lost my family as well." My voice cracks slightly, but I cover it up with a small cough. "So maybe you think that no one will listen to what you have to say, and I get it, I felt the same way." I look up to Lucas halfway through drawing my brother. "But know that Dean and I will listen to you and believe you." I finally meet Dean's gaze and he's looking at me curiously. I smile sadly at him before looking down at my drawing and moving onto my other brother.

"You don't even have to say anything. You could draw us a picture about what you saw that day with your dad on the lake." Dean tells him gently. I was surprised to hear him speak like that, more used to his sarcastic and flirty tone. It was a nice change. However, it still didn't get Lucas to budge. I sigh in defeat, shrugging and shaking my head at Dean telling him we should just go.

"Here I want you to have this." I turn the picture towards Lucas. "This is my family, and our old house." I start with a smile. "This is my mom, my dad, my grumpy older sister, and my two annoying twin brothers." I chuckle lightly as I point to them, but Lucas didn't bother looking up. I know Dean was though, I could feel his gaze burning through my skull.

"It's not the best drawing, but uh, maybe you'll teach me how to draw as good as you some time." I set down my picture on top of his other ones and get up from the floor. I look over at Dean and nod, so he gets up as well.

"We'll see you later, Lucas." I tell him before we walk away from him. I put a couple inches between Dean and I, feeling too exposed at the moment, and we didn't talk on our way back towards Sam and Andrea.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙷𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛[𝙳.𝚆]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang