Wishes 🧍‍♀️💃

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     I take a sip of my drink as I sit at a bar lifeless. Spaced out. Tired. I had nothing better to do other then sulk and cry in my room. Sometimes hurting myself would suffice something but it never did.
      Another sip went smoothly down my throat as it hit my taste buds. Why am I even here. Shouldnt I be at home and practice my magic tricks or train. Out of all things I could've done I choose this.
      I down my drink and slam the glass onto the table. I got up from where I was sitting and slowly and cautiously walk towards the door that leads outside. I stumble towards the door and catch myself on the door knob. I open the door and wearily walk down the streets or York New. The lights from passing cars and building blinded me. I carefully cross streets and walk past others making sure I don't cause any disrupt in the quite streets. I stumble up motel stairs to the rundown room I was living in for a short time. I open the door quietly trying not to make any noise in case the next door neighbors complain, again. When entering the room I fall onto the hard bed that hurt my back every night I slept on it. I close my eyes out of tiredness and becuase I don't want bigger eye bags then I already have.
        Ever since Illumi stopped talking to me every night I went to the bar and drank a few drinks and went back to the motel. Illumi was important to me. He made me happy and delightful but ever since I'm just a drunken man that got kicked out of his house for not paying his bills in time.
         The few thoughts in my head started fading and before I knew it I fell asleep.

       I wake up from sleep to a hangover and loud knocking on my door. I drag myself towards the door and open it.
        "You where supposed to leave this room yesterday night. You need to leave."
         It took me awhile to register what this random person said but I understood it after a minute.
       "Please just one more week, I'm trying to find a job, just please."
       I look up to what was a robust woman towering over me and my slouched back.
      We argue for a little bit until I lost to something that could've been so easily accomplished if I was sober.
       I start packing my bags which where just a few shirts, pants, and underwear. I get my bags and leave the room how it was before I came.
       I fall onto the nearest bench throwing my bags down wondering what I have to do now. 
      I can't afford motels anymore and i don't have a house to go to anymore since I lost everything. It began hard to think until I felt a buzz in my pocket. A call from Chrollo appeared on my screen. An idea popped into my hungover mind.
       I answer the call from the old friend and answer with
"Oh hey Hisoka, I heard you got kicked out of your house. Honestly I feel like that wouldve happened you know ever since you left the Phantom troupe that was destined to happen."just from the tone of his voice I could see the smile on his ugly face.
"Yeah, listen Chrollo I need somewhere to stay while I find a job. After I find a job and buy a new house I'll never bother you again with my problems." I pleaded for an exception on the other side of the line.
"Only on one condition." I grip my phone harder hoping I don't get the response I'm expecting "You help me with one mission then I won't talk about the troupes missions with you ever again." I hear a slight laugh through the small speaker and tense up.
       "Listen, I want nothing to do with your troupe but...." I bite the inner lining of my mouth "I guess I have to." I let out a sigh as the words left my mouth.
       "Perfect! I can't wait to tell you what we're doing. One of the members will pick you up in a bit!"
      Before I could ask one more question he hung up the phone. I mean I understood everything about the mission thing but how does he know where I am. I contemplate the question until a car pulled up by the sidewalk. I pick up my bags and head into the car being silent. I didn't talk to the driver or the other passenger in the front seat that looked awfully small.
       I rest my head on my propped up hand to look out the window to see where we where going since I forgot where the rundown hideout was.
        An hour passes by and we pull into a dirty building somewhere in York new. The building was covered in moss, there where holes and cracks on every inch of the walls, and the building had an earthy scent. I  grip my bags while I follow the two members into a long hallway and elevator. When we walked into the elevator it creaked in despair as it slowly went down lowering us into who knows where. The squeaking only got worse as we got lowered farther down until we heard a thud below us telling us we made it to the bottom of the elevator shaft. The doors shakily opened to a huge luxurious room. When we walked out of the elevator a women with black hair walked towards us
         "Welcome Franklin, Feitan." She looked towards my direction with disgust on her face "Hisoka" she sounded disgusted when she said my name, almost as if she wanted to call me names.
         I still followed the two members towards a room that looked more like a mini house. I set my bags down in what looked like a mini living room.
          "Well I guess you can leave now since this is where I'll be staying I assume." I flash a quick smile at the two men but they flash me a face of disgust. I give myself a tour of the mini house and unlock my bags placing my items in the spots where they needed to be. When I finished the place felt more like home. I flop onto my bed out of pure happiness closing my eyes and smiling. I lay there for a few minutes till a knock on my door could be heard. I walk towards the door and open it.
         "Ah Hisoka, I can see you've made yourself at home." Chrollo gave a small smile showing kindness
         "Ah yes, I've unpacked my bags and put everything where it should be." I give a fake smile trying not to seem like a bitch
          "That's great, i came here to check up on you and I wanted to ask you, tonight it group night with the troupe. Would you like to come?" I cringe at his words but I answer trying not to be rude I answer "yeah sure. I'll come to the group, what time?"
       "Amazing, it's at 9. Till then see you later." Chrollo walks away quietly as I close my door and lock it.
        I whisper to myself  "why did I say yes." I groan at what I'm going to have to do till 9.
      The clock in my room strikes 9 and I walk out my room. When I did nobody was in the large room. Only Chrollo was. I walk towards the large couch in the center of the room and I sit down.
       "Where's the rest of the troupe?" I look around the room trying to figure out where they are
        "The rest of the troupe didn't want to come so I guess it just you and me, best bros, doing best bro things." Chrollo smirks and elbows my side
          "Yeah sure 'best bros' " I cross my arms waiting for Chrollo to say anything
         "Well since nobody else is coming let's have it in my room where it's much more entertaining." Chrollo gets up off the couch and motions me down a hall to double doors leading to a room similar to mine but bigger and more elegant. I sit down on the couch in Chrollos room waiting for him to tell him what where going to do.
         "I made a list of things we could do for fun like, Watch movies, play fun games, and prank other troupe members." He giggles out of excitement and walks towards the tv turning it on.
        "So what do you want to watch? Comedy? Horror? Romance?" Chrollo looks back at me for an answer.
        "I guess romance wouldn't be that bad." I sink deeper into the couch as Chrollo find a romance movie to watch. When Chrollo flops onto the couch, the tv started playing a movie. One of the cringiest and basic movies I've ever seen. The story line is like all romance movies.
            When the movie finishes I felt like passing out of boredom but before I could Chrollo Nudged my side
          "We'll time for the games! Truth or dare?!" Chrollo pulls me towards the floor
           "Uh I guess truth." I question my words until Chrollo asks me a question
           "Have you ever been in love?" Chrollo inches closer to me.
           "I mean yeah, once." I look down at the floor feeling a little more down then I was before. "Oh I guess it my turn. Chrollo, truth or dare?" I get myself together trying to think of want my response would be to Chrollos answer.
          "Dare" Chrollo smirks as he looks at me." I dare you to...." it took me awhile before I thought of a stupid dare. " dare you to prank call one of the other members." I give a soft smile getting a little comfortable in the environment I'm in. Chrollo laughs and gets his phone.
          "Okay who should I do, Nobunaga or Phinks." He looks at me mischievously.
            "Definitely do Nobunaga." I loosen up as chrollo prank calls another person and I could hear yelling from the small phone.
            "HAHAHAHAH I GOT HIM GOOD! I guess it's my turn now. Hisoka, truth or dare?"
           "I definitely feel different so I guess Dare!" I laugh a little showing how much enjoyment I'm getting from the interaction. Chrollo sits for a few second till his eye light up
           "I dare you to call your ex." My soul left my body as I heard those words. Chrollo hands me his phone and motions for me to grab it. I grab the phone with my trembling hands. I look at my phone hesitating to type in the numbers. Every key I pressed got louder and louder. I hesitate to press call but I finally press it. The phone rings for what feels like an eternity until I hear the slightest
       "Hello Chrollo, what do you need?" I hesitate
"Uh it's actually Hisoka on the phone."
"Oh well hello Hisoka, we haven't talked in awhile." My throat turns dry as I hear his soothing voice.
          "Uhm hey Illumi, it has been awhile since we've last talked." I nervously giggle as a bead of sweat drips down my forehead.
           "Why did you call me, is something wrong?" Illumi breaks the short silence we had.
            "Uh I just wanted to catch up since we haven't talked in 6 months." I shake violently waiting for an answer.
            "Oh yeah sure wanna catch up over some coffee tomorrow?" My heart beat violently as Illumi said his words. My mouth became dry as I looked for words
           "Uh yeah sure" I became relieved at I found an answer.
           "Okay we'll see you tomorrow then Hisoka." It became silent as I put down the phone. My heart racing as I jump up from the floor excited
           "I GET TO SEE ILLUMI TOMORROW!!! AHHHH IM SO EXCITED!!!" I jump from joy next to Chrollo.
           "Why are you so happy to see your ex Hisoka? I thought you'd be scared to see him" Chrollo looked up at me confused.
           "Well ever since Illumi started doing his family business we just stopped talking so I assumed we broke up and that kinda hurt me." I look down at Chrollo with a little smile
          "Oh" Chrollo stood up from his spot and sat on the couch "well good luck with tomorrow I guess." Chrollo tilted his head back and closed his eyes.
           "Are you okay Chrollo?" I slowly walk to the couch and sit down.
           "Naw nothing I'm just tired." I look at Chrollo who drowsily moved his hand
          "Okay well I guess I'll just let you sleep" I get up from the couch and quietly head to the door. "Goodnight Chrollo" I gently close the door behind me as I walk out to my room.
       I wake up to loud yelling from outside of my room. I quickly jolt up from my laying position to get up. I wearily walk outside of my room to see what all the ruckus was about. There in the living room a short blonde boy and tall hairy man are playing ping pong.
           I look at the clock in my room to see it was 8 o'clock in the morning. I sigh as I close my door. I flopped onto my bed in an exaggerated manner. The silence in my room became quite loud until small yells could be heard every now and then but it was fine.
            I got up from my bed to do my daily routine of  showering, brushing my teeth, doing my hair, doing my makeup, and getting dressed. Since I am seeing Illumi today I have to look my best and do everything with perfection. I have to look like my life is great and I've never had anything bad happen in my life, like I have my life together. I sigh as I turn on the shower. I gracefully get into the shower and wash my body and hair. Making sure I smelt amazing like I've never missed a day without a shower.
          I exit the shower and dry myself up and wrap the towel loosely around my waist. I grab my toothbrush and put a small pea of toothpaste like the dentists tell you. I brush my teeth in circles and to get every tooth in my mouth.
        I put on my makeup and do my hair perfectly to make sure I look amazing. I walk to my closet to pick an outfit to make me look sophisticated. I look into the mirror one last time before I leave the hideout.

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