17th Birthday

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March 2021

          Armin couldn't sleep, he was lying in bed thinking about his encounter with Eren earlier at lunch. But why? They were best friends, and everything that had happened today was what usually happened everyday between them. But something was different... what was it? Armin decided it was the look on Eren's face, the shine in his eyes. Armin had always thought Eren's eyes were unique. His eyes were a beautiful greenish-blue, they reminded Armin of the ocean. The ocean was his favorite place on Earth, almost like his home. Armin covered his face with his pillow. Why was he thinking things like that about his best friend? He slowly dragged the pillow back down until he was hugging it against his chest. It wouldn't do him any good to go to school the next morning running on zero hours of sleep. He shifted to his side to turn his lamp off and laid there, the pillow still hugged to his chest. After what seemed like forever, he finally drifted off to sleep, and the thoughts that accompanied him were of Eren's priceless face when he found out that he had solved the riddle.


          "Armin!" Just as he was about to reach his first period, Armin was startled at the call from behind him. He turned to see Mikasa, still in her clothes from her morning track practice. "Mikasa? What are you doing? Class is about to start."

"I know. Listen, I have something important to ask." Though her voice was as monotone as ever, Armin could tell she was flustered.

"Go ahead."

"Have you ever been in love?"

          Armin chortled at the question. Had he ever been in love? Besides Eren he was the loneliest person at their school love-wise. He had never even had a romantic experience. The closest he had ever gotten to love was reading romance novels.

"Can't say I have. Let me guess, you think you're in love with Sasha?"

          Mikasa sighed audibly, something Armin didn't see her do often. "Yes," she mumbled. Armin clapped his hands enthusiastically, "You'll have to tell me all about it, but not right now. The bell is going to ring in one minute." Mikasa punched his shoulder a bit too hard, "You're such a goody-goody, can't even skip a class to hear me out." Armin rubbed his shoulder where the punch had hit, "Mikasa, I promise I will listen to you for hours if you want later. Now you go to your own class before I spill to Sasha." Armin imitated tipping a teacup over and waved Mikasa off. She shrugged and headed off back in the other direction.

          Ever been in love? For some reason the question wouldn't leave Armin's mind. He had loved before of course. He loved his grandpa, and he had loved his parents before they were murdered. But had he ever been in love? For some reason he had a feeling he couldn't shake that he had been in love before, but he couldn't remember. Before he knew it his first period was over, and he hadn't paid any attention at all. How stupid of him, to get sidetracked on silly subjects instead of paying attention in class. He shook his head. It must've just been a childhood crush that he had since forgotten about.


          "Armin, guess what day it is." The voice had come from behind Armin, and he recognized it almost instantly. "You and Mikasa need to quit stopping me when I'm trying to get to class," Armin looked into the eyes he found so interesting. Eren just chuckled and repeated himself, "Guess what day it is." "The 25th?" Armin answered.

"Exactly. My birthday is in 5 days."

"And?" Armin knew that, how could he ever forget?

"Mikasa and I are throwing a party at our house. Historia, Sasha, and Ymir will be there, and you're invited of course."

Your Love is like a Riddle (Eremin)Where stories live. Discover now