Zoom // Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

Hey Niall, thank you! See you soon xxx

My hands started to be shaky again.

"Ath, calm down, everything's gonna be fine" Anna told me while grabbing my hands

"Thank you Ann, I love you" I said and got up to hug her

"I love you too, now go, go" She said while leaving and closing the door

I opened twitter in my computer and pressed the zoom link.

This was it, this could be the start of my career.

I made sure to fix my hair before getting in, and when I was about to get in, I yelled:

"I'm about to get in! Please behave!"

"Yes, I promise!" Anna yelled back


I pressed the little button that said 'Join with video' and took some deep breaths. The white screen showed that I had been accepted into the meeting, and there he was.

Do you know that feeling in which you are staring at someone and the love and admiration you have for them makes your stomach do flips? You feel as if words will never be enough to explain how much you love that person. That was the feeling i was experiencing when I saw Niall Horan in my computer. Niall was wearing a blue button up shirt with the last buttons left undone, he was wearing his usual golden necklace and his hair was styled as usual. It was such a simple look but it still managed to make my knees weak.

"Hey! Athena, right?" He said with a smile

"Hi, yes, that's me" I giggled

"Look, I know you may be nervous right now, but I promise everything is gonna be alright. I'm a normal person, don't worry"

I really wanted to answer with sarcasm but I had to stop myself from doing it, it was my first time meeting him and I couldn't answer with sarcasm, he might think it's rude

"Thank you. I'm just- It's not everyday you have a conversation with Niall Horan, you know?"

"Well, I am pretty amazing" We both laughed "No, but for real, I promise everything is gonna be fine, let's help you loosen up, tell me a bit about yourself"

"I really like pop rock music, it's one of my favs" I answered trying to keep my cool

"What part of England are you from? I mean, you have an English accent, of course"

"I was born in South London and still live here"

"I live in South London as well" he answered with a smile on his face

"Are you or parents Greek?" He asked again

"What?" I was really confused by his question

"Because of your name, Athena is a Greek name right?"

"Oh, yes Athena is a Greek name. But my parents aren't Greek, they just really liked the name"

"I like it too, it has a nice meaning" He smiled

"Thank you, I like your name too, it has a nice meaning as well."

We continued talking a bit about me. The music I liked, if I wrote music, the instruments I played. He even told me we should hang out sometime!

"Hey, my manager is in the waiting room, I'll accept him, but first, do you mind giving me your number? I had a nice time talking to you and I'm not quite good with twitter" A tint of shyness was noticable in his voice, and I couldn't help but find his shyness kinda cute.

"Yes, of course" I couldn't get my big smile out of my face

I typed my number quickly in the chat and he copied it.

And after that, the worse thing that could possibly happen, happened.

"Hi, we are One Direction. Someone's calling you, pick up your phone!"


"Is that a One Direction ringtone?" Niall asked and I could see he was holding back a laugh

"I told you I was a big fan" I sweetly smiled while trying to decline my incoming call.

"Okay, I'll accept my manager, remember, take deep breaths" He soflty explained

And after Niall's manager was in, everything became serious. No more jokes, no more laughs, just me and my music. Niall's manager gave me his number for work purposes and I agreed. The meeting ended about an hour later and I immediately hit the pillow, sleeping always helped me clear up my mind.

This was it, this was the start of my career


A/N: Edited as well lololol bye

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