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Look up,
Look down.

Look around,
Don't make a sound.

Alter your hair so it looks like theirs,
Bleach your skin so it can be deemed fair.

Shrink so they can grow,
Ignore what you've seen & absorb what they say to know.

Forget your ancestors & drop what you believe,
'cause adopting their views is something to achieve.

Stay in line and listen,
Don't you dare try to speak up as your face is pressed against the concrete and the sun makes your split blood glisten.

Take the hits,
Take the spits,
Learn to patch your wounds like the generations before you have with your racially designated medical kit.

Ignore the pain,
Hope for it to all go away.

Pretend that you're blind to it all 'cause ignorance is bliss,
Pray that you're not another one of Eden's children blessed with Death's kiss.

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