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Ray woke up to Norman snuggling him, they had school.But Ray decided not to go to school today,Norman look peacefully sleeping.Isabella knocked on the door softly and walked in "Your going to school today?"She asked Ray and he shook his head as no.

About five minutes later Norman took his arm off around Ray,he had chance to go make breakfast.His mom had left with her friends somewhere,he went to the kitchen and was deciding what to make.He decided to make some breakfast biscuits,"Hmm I should call them over"He said out loud and made his way back into his room.

He texted the gc

Ray:Hey guys I'm not going to school today and also if you guys want to come over rn?


Gilda:Sure I'll be there in a bit

Don:I guess I don't want to be at school alone😓


Nat:Not you guys gonna leave me by myself...I'm coming

Ray:If any of you guys have Adams or Liams contacts so they can also come over since Norman won't be going

That was the last message Ray sent,he forgot he was still making the biscuits and ran back to the kitchen.He looked and nothing was burnt,he let out the breath he was holding in."Alright let me just make the bacon now"He said as he grabbed the bacon out the Fridge.

As he was making it he heard a knock at the front door,he opened,Emma and Anna were here "Hey come in I'm almost done with breakfast"Ray said as he let them in the house."Ray you seem In a good mood today!"Emma said "I guess I am"Ray said with a smile "Wait is there anything I can help you with??" Emma asked.

"Oh can you make the coffee or get the biscuits that are in the oven"Ray said two options.Emma and Anna both got up to help him..

Soon they were done,everyone had arrived even Adam and Liam."I'm going to go wake Norman"Ray said and went to his room.He walked in and saw Norman already awake "Hey Norman i and breakfast"Ray told him.Norman looked up "Mmm I'm tired"Norman said as he just woke up not that long ago.

"Cmon don't be lazy and get up"Ray said as he walked up to his bed where Norman was laying down on."Noooo I don't want to get up yet!"Norman whined.Ray dragged Norman off the bed,"Okay okay let me stand up"Norman said when he hit the ground.
Ray let him go and got up,"You didn't have to drag me!"Norman said "Well you weren't gonna get your ass up"Ray said and rolled his eyes.

Norman looked at Ray and kissed him, "you could've just asked?"Ray told him "Well can I have a kiss?"Norman asked him.Ray shrugged and their lips touched "Anyways everyone is downstairs"Ray told Norman "Wait don't we have school?"Norman asked "Yeah but I decided not to go so let's just go eat!"Ray told him...


They were watching a movie and Ray got a call from a random number."Hm who's calling me"Ray said Out loud, "You going to answer it orrr??"Nat told him "Oh yeah let me answer it real quick"Ray said as he pressed the green button and Adam paused the movie.

"Hello Ray~"A girl voice said "Who's this?"Ray asked "you don't need to know but just know you are mine"She continued "I'm sorry but can you tell me who you are??"Ray asked nervously "hmmm no thanks but I'm watching you right Norman is your boyfriend right?"She said "No he's not and what do you mean your watching me?"Ray was very confused right now and everyone eyes shot up after they heard Ray say that.

"He's not then why do you guys kiss and sleep with each other?"She told Ray and his expression turned into a frightening one."How do you know that?!"Ray was scared "I told you I always watch you and I see you and some friends are watching a movie.." the girl continued to talk.Ray didn't say nothing else "Aww whats with the look Ray~"She said and Ray looked around the place.

"What's wrong Ray?"Anna was concerned,no words came out of Rays mouth "Okay Ray now I'm coming in but you won't be able to find me"The girl said hanging up the phone.Ray looked terrified and his phone ringed multiple times,he look at it.

'6 messages were sent by *** *** *****'

He opened the message and there were pictures of Ray and Norman kissing. Other pictures of them sleeping and a picture of them now.Ray showed everyone the pictures "What the fuck" Don said."Who the fuck is here!"Emma yelled out "Ray do you know this damn person?!"Norman said and his head shook no.

More pictures were sent,they were pictures of Ray in the shower,him walking to school and when he was changing or eating.He showed them "Ray you have a fucking stalker the hell?!"Nat said "Well no fucking shit?!" Liam said sarcastically."What do we do now,she said she was coming in but we wouldn't find her?!"Ray told them.

Everyone was speechless...

            Anna said..

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