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They were all talking before Ray started to run down the street "Why is he running?"Gilda ask then they say Norman run past them."That"Emma replied,eventually Norman caught up to Ray "You can't run away from me" Norman said and picked up Ray "HEY LET ME DOWN!"Ray demanded "Nah" Norman said as he was walking back with Rays friends.Ray was yelling at Norman to put him down but Norman refused to,Norman put then proceed to put him down."Fuck you"Ray told him as he crossed his arms "I wouldn't mind~"Norman told Ray,"SHUT UP" Ray yelled at him "Make me"Norman said.They were all just watching them "I feel like I shouldn't be here.."Nat said.Ray looked at them "He shouldn't be here!"Ray said as he pointed at Norman."Fine I'll leave"Norman said pretending to walk away "Finally"Ray was relieved "Damn you don't like me around"Norman said and Ray flinched. Ray ignored him and was talking with his friends "Oi don't ignore me"Norman said and Ray was still ignoring him.Norman was trying to talk to Ray but he didn't listen,he was thinking about something that made him have a smirk on his face.Norman turned Ray around and put their lips together,it was quite a long kiss.Ray tried to separate their lips but,Norman refused to let that happen.

A minute later☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

Norman finally let go and Ray gasping for air..(poor Ray he'd being tortures by loveლ(ಥ Д ಥ )ლ )

After Ray was done gasping for air~

Ray was upset,he wouldn't talk,look at Norman because of what he just did. Everyone wondering what they just fucking saw "Umm I really feel like we're interrupting something"Gilda said "Don't worry your not that things is something else"Ray told her."Did you call me a thing?!"Norman was offended."Well want to hang out?"Emma asked,they all agreed..

Haha this is a short chapter I know but if anybody want to give me ideas for any chapters I would love If you did but,you don't have to!Anyways thank you for reading my story either way( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡)

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