"it's okay we're still waiting on jungkook." jin seemed to roll his eyes, already fussing with the lens on the camera.

"that boy! always late!" yoongi groaned.

"quit talking about me!" a husky voice from the doorway caused everyone's ears to perk up, his brunette eyes fixated on the group in front of him, "the whole gang is here. where is the guest of honor?"

everyone seemed to clear a path for taehyung who wasn't even aware that he was the one in reference to, "me?"

"yes, you." jungkook couldn't help but smile at how adorable the older boy was, his cheeks puffed out in embarrassment as he was pulled back into the main studio space.

that same mural which he had admired was now the backdrop he'd be working with. it seemed almost impossible to try and outshine jungkook's art but the younger was encouraging. posing him, commanding him, practicing with him as jin sat behind setting up equipment and adjusting as needed.

"you look really good tae but you seem stiff, are you stiff?" jungkook pretended to shake out his own shoulders, encouraging him to do the same.

tae followed suit, "just nervous."

"but i've seen what you can do, and you're great at this. this is your calling!" he graciously took the camera from jin, motioning for the older to adjust the light as he snapped a few test shots.

tae felt himself fall more comfortable, the bodies of everyone but him and jungkook disappearing as they played around with lenses and flashes and poses. he found himself having fun, absolutely shocked that something so good could be considered work. it was beyond comprehension that he could get paid to spend time rolling on the floor with jungkook taking shots from above, constantly flashing that reassuring smile with those jutted front teeth that made him resemble the sweetest little bunny.

he changed outfits a handful of times, taking direction as needed. he was surprised to be the only one in front of the camera but he wasn't upset by it, grateful to have the attention of the photographer all to himself.

tae almost felt sad when his long day came to an end. stripping out from the clothes he was in and back to his regular daywear made him feel like cinderella at the end of the night in the worst way. he started to hang everything back up, shocked when a girl who appeared to be an intern stepped in and took over, wishing him a good night.

he nodded, sorry to see the distraction being outsourced.

"why the long face?" jungkook didn't even glance up from the chair he was sitting in, eyes focused as he scrolled through a set of images on his computer, "do you see how amazing these turned out?"

taehyung sat down next to him, "you made me look far better than i actually do, you know that?"

the younger turned with a stoic expression, stern as he spoke, "tae, that would be impossible." his hand gently reached for the brunette's arm, smooth circles running over each inch leaving goosebumps erupting across his spine. what he would give to feel this way all the time.

"stop with the flattery. you're too nice to me!" he glanced around, "did everyone else leave?"

"they went out for a late dinner reservation."

"and they didn't invite us?" tae huffed, "rude."

jungkook paused, "i told them we had other plans."

he gulped at that, the strands of his pushed back hair falling into his eyes as he shook his head nervously trying to find the words, "wh- what do you mean?"

"that kiss the other night; would be nice to expand on it. don't you think?" jungkook had let his eyes dart back his laptop screen, studying tae's physique and wondering what it would look like beneath him. he had the real thing next to him yet he was so fucking scared to make a move, nervous about getting rejection from somebody so perfect.

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