He tried to avoid the couples making out against the walls, but it was impossible when he was getting shoved around trying to make it through the crowd. Billy Idol blasted through the amp in the living room, and people danced around to the music.

Kai unavoidably bumped shoulders with a dark skinned girl, with big curly hair. "Can you watch where you're going?" She says in a nasty tone, she gives him a disgusted look before walking past him.

Kai eyed her warily as she walked away, and as he turned around, he bumped into another girl, only this time the beer in her hand spilt all over the front of his shirt.

He inhaled sharply at the cold sensation as he looked down at his now stained shirt. He looked up at the girl, she had a panicked expression, but he tell within seconds that she was crossed, and didn't really know what to do.

"I'm so sorry." She slurs her words, looking around for something to help clean him up.

Kai didn't know how to respond. The girl was pretty, with long black hair and pale skin. Against the whites of her eyes which were now red, she had bright blue eyes which stood out even thought it was dark in the house.

The girl laughed, but not in a mean way, she was embarrassed, and far gone. She stumbled a bit, and grabbed onto Kai's arm, beginning to lead him towards the kitchen. "Sorry sorry sorry." She let out in between subtle laughs.

He followed her, a little shocked by the situation, and feeling too awkward to try and start conversation. As they entered the kitchen, she let go of his arms and stumbled over to a drawer, opening it up and grabbing a dish towel. She knew where everything was, so he assumed this was her house.

As the girl turned back to face him, she stumbled forward and let out a laugh as Kai caught her before she completely face planted. She looked up, a hysterical look on her face. "Here." She says drowsily, beginning to wipe down the front of Kai's shirt with the towel.

Kai froze at her touch, he didn't know how to react or what to say. He felt himself holding his breath as he watched her. "I— who even are you?" She slurs her words again. She was so drunk Kai could barely understand her over the music.

He swallows as she continued to wipe his shirt, it really wasn't doing anything as she was barely even touching him, but he didn't say anything. "Uh—" He thinks for a second and looks around, feeling awkward. "I don't go to Wayward. I'm homeschooled."

The girl stands up straight and wipes her nose as she examines his shirt, which didn't look any different from before. "I'm sorry." She says again, scrunching her nose awkwardly and looking up at him.

He didn't know if she was apologizing to him for being homeschooled, or if it was because she ruined his shirt. But he didn't care. He didn't take his eyes off her. "It's okay." He lets out a little scoff. The two just stood there for a second and Kai's mind raced with things he could say to her so their conversation continued. But he couldn't get anything out.

He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when she got swept away by a group of girls who brought her a pink birthday cake. As people crowded the kitchen to celebrate the girl's apparent birthday, Kai sunk back out of the crowd, watching as she smiled and blew out the candles.

'Happy Birthday Daisy' the cake said. And Kai admired her name, it was weird, but it fit her. He watched as her friend's hugged her, gave her more shots to take, and took pictures of her with the cake.

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