Extra chapter: Yin Yu and Quan Yizhen (1)

Start from the beginning

-Yin Yu's perspective-

Yin Yu cleaned the dished in Hua Cheng's palace kitchen. He actually didn't have to do this but after spending the whole day not knowing exactly what to do he prefered it to do some chores.

He suddenly felt something stabbing in his stomach. Nothing had even touched him and there was nobody around anymore since it was nighttime and all the ghosts went out to celebrate, gamble or do other "stuff". What just was this? Don't know. He felt that a new presence had entered the demon realm. At least, that's what he somehow thought.

He went to the floor and then went down to the basement of Hua Cheng's palace. The basement had many rooms. He went in the room which was hidden behind the stairs. It was a really small room where Hua Cheng had collected extraordinary things he gambled and won somewhere or just had found on one of his adventures. There was also a crystal ball placed on a small table. A scarf covered it, so that it was protected from dirt and dust. Yin Yu took the scarf away. The cristal ball started to sparkle in a light, white color. It looked like there was snow inside of the ball.

"Show me", Yin Yu said.

[Note: Okay, I know. I just made a fucking wizard out of him. I'm sorry and I am not even sure if in this universe magical balls even exist. Let's just say, Hua Cheng stole them from a witch he didn't like.]

Then the ball showed him who had just entered the demon realm. It showed him Quan Yizhen.

Yin Yu's reaction: "Fuck, no." (He literally just thinks: Why is this idiot here again? Can he please stop searching for me?)

It showed his fromer student in the large forest of the ghost realm. Quan Yizhen was attacking some asts which where in his way and Yin Yu thought, "Please. Leave the nature in peace."

It was quite obvious that his student got lost. Yin Yu couldn't turn down his old teacher-feelings and used his spiritual powers to let some will-o'-the-wisps (it's his special skill here (to make will-o'-the-wisps) it's not in the original story like that though) guide Quan Yizhen out of the forest. But where should they guide him? Yin Yu decided: into the insane hills. There was absolutely nothing and they led into nothing and they were very far from where he was.

"Perfect", he smiled. "Finally, some action for him."

After that he went to sleep without a thought that Quan Yizhen was showing up the next morning in front of Hua Cheng's palace...

"You have a visitor", Hua Cheng told him when he was standing in the entrance hall. Yin Yu thought it was Xie Lian first but the demon lord would not talk casually like that when it would have been Xie Lian. It was rare for Yin Yu to have any visitors. VERY RARE. All ghosts came to see Hua Cheng and tell him about their problems and business. But no one ever wanted to see his butler?

He opened the entrance door.

No. No. No. No. What was this idiot doing here? WHY???? WHY WAS HE HERE???

Yin Yu wanted to slam the door but Quan Yizhen was stronger and reacted faster holding it open with his foot.

"Don't", Yin Yu implied. "You should leave again."

Quan Yizhen didn't know what his master meant with the again.

"Again? You never even led me in!", he said upset.

"Yes and I don't really plan to", Yin Yu told him straight into his face.

Quan Yizhen: "Ouch."

Yin Yu: "I was always careful telling you about what I really think you should do. Now I am more honest and I am telling you staright: go home."

Quan Yizhen: "But you ARE my home!" Ouch.

Yin Yu: "Why are you so affectionate? Leave. You being too dramatic here."

Quan Yizhen: "I don't want to. Teacher, please, let's talk things out!"

Yin Yu: "There is nothing to talk about. I am telling you to leave and if you're still seeing me as your teacher you should follow my orders."

Quan Yizhen shook his head fast. "No, you're not my teacher anymore. I don't have to follow your orders."

Yin Yu sighed, "Then don't call me "teacher"."

Quan Yizhen: "Okay, tea.. tea? Nevermind, I won't do it anymore!"

Yin Yu had to smile a bit because of the clumsiness of his student he knew from former times and had already forgotten about because Quan Yizhen eventually lost it as he grew strong and was so talented to develope well. However, he did not want his student to see that he smiled because he knew that then Quan Yizhen would get his hopes up. And he didn't want that.

"Quan Yizhen... you must leave now."

"No! Why???"

"I do simply not want you here." These were harsh words and Yin Yu didn't like to speak them actually out because he was afraid of hurting his students feelings too much.

"Do I really have to leave now?", Quan Yizhen said in a very sad voice and looked at Yin Yu with puppy eyes.

Stay concentrated, stay strong. Yin Yu told himself that to not get swept away by Quan Yizhen's aura.

"You better do", he said.

In Quan Yizhen's eye a light faded.

"Go", Yin Yu marked his words with a fiercly voice.

"Okay... I will..." Quan Yizhen finally gave in. Yin Yu was happy about that. Quan Yizhen turned around and left Hua Cheng's palace entrance with really slow, small steps. Yin Yu could tell that he was pouting. However, he didn't care. It was better like that. For both of them. He closed the door to Hua Cheng's palace, so he mustn't see Quan Yizhen walk slowly away anymore in case he would change his mind and turn around.

Hua Cheng was in the hall and leaned against a pillar.

"Yin Yu", he said, "I don't want to give you advice but... you should not let you get haunted by the past so much." Yin Yu was surprised Hua Cheng telling him that. Was Hua Cheng even knowing what was going on?

"Okay.", was all he could answer to him.

Hua Cheng smiled a bit and stopped leaning against the column. He rose up his arms and walked away. Yin Yu heard his voice saying:

"Xie Lian is coming over, I am so happy to see my Gege again!"


END: Do you want the story to continue? Leave a comment and maybe tell me how you want it to end! Thanks for reading until here. <3

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