7 - The battle at Fengbao

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The demon was even stronger than he looked.
Lei Weng seemed serious. His long black hair was loosened and he had many scratches on his face and body.

„Fuck. Why is that demon so strong?", he said in a quiveringly voice.

Xie Lian glanced at him.

„How long have you been fighting this demon?", he asked and consecrated himself fast to the battle again.

Lei Weng got hit by the demon and shouted.

„Fuck!!! How long??? I don't know! About two days now?", he said as he raised from the ground again.

He continued,

„I have to kill him finally. This is taking far too long! There are still more demons to kill!"

Xie Lian understood.

„Don't worry."

Ruoye entangled the demon.

„NOW CUT HIS HEAD OFF!", Xie Lian shouted at Lei Weng.

Lei Weng seemed to be impressed but reacted fast.

He jumped up to the head of the demon and moved his sword to the demons neck.

Then he froze.

„I can't! It is like the demon is out of stone! I can't cut him!", he shouted desperately.

This try made the demon angry. He shouted and moved Ruoye away and hit Lei Weng again.

Lei Weng landed harshly on the ground and Ruoye returned frightened to Xie Lian.

Since Lei Weng did not seem to stand up and continue fighting right away the demon turned to Xie Lian. His red eyes seemed as if he wanted to puncture Xie Lian.

Xie Lian felt Ruoye tremoring on his skin.

„Stay calm", he told him.

He took Fang Xin in his hands. If he was able to cut the demon's head off?

The demon reacted fast and Xie Lian was startled for a moment but managed to evade.

Then again. And again.

He touched the demon with his sword but there where no hints that the demon got hurt.

„Peculiar", Xie Lian thought.

Then the demon reached out with his hands for Xie Lian's wrist.

Xie Lian couldn't react fast enough. Soon the demon would have him!

„Nothing there!",

a voice said.

Xie Lian got pulled by hands that clasped his waist pulling him one step back so that the demon didn't reach him.

Xie Lian turned his head around to his savior.

„San Lang?"

San Lang stood behind him and held his hands around his waist.

He looked into his eyes and smiled.

„It's me, Gege. Coming to safe you from these miserable demons! Aren't you happy?"

He laughed leisurely.

Xie Lian smiled and then recognize again the situation they were in. He pulled back from Hua Cheng and looked at the demon.

„I'm very glad to see you. But there is no time for a happy reunion now. First we have to kill this demon!"

Hua Cheng looked at Xie Lian for a while and then smiled.

„Yes, you're right. There is now way that this demon will destroy our desired reunion", he said leisurely.

Then he clapped and a swarm of butterflies came around.

It covered the demons whole body. After a few second it was vanished.

Xie Lian winked, „How was the demon gone so fast?"

When he turned to Hua Cheng, he already stood close in front of him.

„Hello, Gege. Good to see you!", Hua Cheng said and winked his hand.

Xie Lian smiled back, „Yes!"

Then there was a harrumph from behind.

„What now?", Hua Cheng said and rolled his eyes.

The one harrumphing was Lei Weng.

Xie Lian noticed he must been hurt.

He ran to him and kneeled next to him on the ground.

„Majesty, are you alright?", he asked concerned.

Lei Weng nodded.

„Only a few scratches", he said.

Xie Lian did not want to leave Lei Weng like this. He turned to Hua Cheng.

„Hua Cheng... could you...?"

Hua Cheng raised his eyebrows.

„What? Heal him?"

Xie Lian still wasn't sure to really ask Hua Cheng about that because it made him feel uneasy.

Hua Cheng said, „just ask, gege. I will do anything you want, you know?"

Xie Lian sighed. Of course, he knew. Still it was like he only troubled Hua Cheng.

„Please, heal his wounds."

Hua Cheng nodded and let the butterflies heal Lei Weng's wounds.

After the healing process Lei Weng looked at Hua Cheng.

„Thanks", he said but his voice was far from sounding thankfully.

„Oh, my...", Xie Lian thought. „This god probably doesn't think much of being saved by Hua Cheng. It's better when we leave soon."

Hua Cheng however did not mind the cold answer of Lei Weng and didn't value his words anyway.

Xie Lian decided it was time to leave.

„Majesty, I hope your kingdom will have peace. At least for the coming days. When you get attacked by these demons again, don't hesitate to call me", Xie Lian said to Lei Weng.

Then Hua Cheng and Xie Lian left Fengbao.

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