18 - Demon realm

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-In the demon real-

Pei Ming and Shi Qingxuan in front of the exploded mountain.

Pei Ming: "Let's see if we can find something under the ashes."

The Wind Master nodded agreeingly and they started to search between the fallen rocks of the mountain.

Shi Qingxuan discovered than an open entrance to a big hole into the mountain inside. 

"I think, it really IS a big cave", he said and indicated the entrance with a nod to Pei Ming.

"It really is. Are the demons in there?", he asked and they entered the entrance.

After they walked a bit through a narrow path they got to a big room inside the cave. There they saw the demons chained to the wall.

"How awful! They put a chain around your neck?", the Wind Lord screamed and ranned to the demons.

A big demon whimmered: "Yes, indeed, so  awful... he was so awful. This monster."

Pei Ming: "Alright. We have found you and we're gonna break these chains. Are you hurt somewhere?

The demons shook their head.

Shi Qingxuan then asked, "Are you all from Ghost Town or are some wild demons also chained to the cave walls?"

A frog demon raised his voice: "Wild demons are also here! They looked all the time to us angrily and drooled out of their mouth! This one for example!" He pointed his eyes on  a wolf demon which indeed lookes furious at them. "He made a  whole army out of them!"

Shi Qingxuan looked at Pei Ming, "Do you think we should free them? They may attack us."

Pei Ming indicated to the sword which he carried on his bag. "I won't hesitate to kill them first", he said and the wolf started whining.

They destroyed the chains with their spiritual powers and let the demons free. They demons which came from the wild didn't attack them but fled fast.

"Fine, we're done here", Pei Ming said outside the cave. "Now we better leave. Too much in this realm, I don't appreciate it very much.

Shi Qingxuan nodded but then said: "Yes, it's okay. You go first. I will still remain here for a bit."

Pei Ming seemed curious now. "What buisness here could you have?"

Shi Qingxuan shook his head and said: "It's a secret."

Pei Ming laughed heartfully and then responded: "Okay. But look out, I don't want a beautiful lady to get hurt because I left her at such an awful place." Eventhough, the Wind Lord wasn't in his female form but in his male form, he still had called him a beautiful lady.

"Don't worry. I'm stronger than I look. In my female form I am even stronger than in my male form. So no need to worry", he answered casually.

Pei Ming understood and said goodbye. Then he left.

The Wind Master took out his fan and waved it.

Shi Qingxuan: "I need to get a little bit more distant from this place."

Gusts of wind came and moved around the Wind Master's body and then the wind took him somewhere else in the ghost realm.

[One more chapter will follow but this will be the end chapter then. There is a extra chapter in-between and maybe I'll also write some extra chapters after.]

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