"sorry, i got excited" i apologized.

"can we just make the chocolate now" he asked.

"yes! let's do that" i grabbed his hand and let our way to the kitchen and started our long, painful journey of unnecessarily making others happy.


at 11:24 pm, we finally, successfully made poorly shaped chocolates.

"these look awful" he said.

i playfully slapped his arm.

"you did most of it. you just insulted yourself" i added.

"yeah, but you did the shaping"

"whatever! let's try one" i lightly picked one of the more disformed ones and handed another to the pink haired boy.

"you ready?" i asked.


"ouch" i pouted as we popped the peice of candy into our mouths.

after swallowing the sweet, my face wrinkled a bit.

"why is it salty?" i questioned.

"because when you tried adding sugar you put salt in instead." he revealed.

"why the hell didn't you tell me!" i commented, slightly angry, but more amused.

"i thought you knew." he said.

at this point i was laughing.

"why would i purposely put salt instead of sugar?" i laughed even more.

"why are you laughing so much?" he complained.

"because- i made these for you, but there not even edible" i settled down a bit, not noticing what i had admited.

"you made them for me?" he quirked his eyebrow at my statement.

i let out a 'hmm?'

he rolled his eyes.

"you said they were for me." he repeated.

"oh- well yeah i made them for you, but also for our friends." i quickly said.

"but, it doesn't seem they would want these, so i'll probably just buy some at the store." i sighed.

he let out a strong breath before speaking up.

"i'll take them then." he suggested.

my eyes lit up.


"yeah, they're gonna go to waste anyways. maybe my dad will take them or something"

i would by lying if that didn't sting a bit, as my heart warmed when he suggested taking them for himself. i slightly hoped he felt at least the smallest bit attracted to me.

"right," i peered down.

"you should get going, don't want your parents to worry" my voice lowered as i handed him the plastic container of chocolate.

"wait- isn't kaidou here?" i remembered.

"i don't know, i'm going home." he turned to leave before i pulled him back.

"no- kusuo. they've been so quiet. let's snoop." i dragged him up the stairs as we slowey climbed, trying to make the least bit of noise possible.

i put a 'shush' finger over my mouth, signaling him not to speak as if he would have.

i reached the door and slowly turned the knob, slightly nervous.

my jaw dropped.

they were fucking.

no i'm kidding, they were asleep as the tv was playing in the background. kaidou's head lay on aren's lap as they snoozed peacefully on the bed.

"aw" i whispered.

after a few seconds of watching their breathing i signaled us to leave.

as we walked down the stairs i asked.

"kusuo, why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"i don't want one" he simply answered.

"what about teruhashi? she's perfect" i implied.

"she's really not"

we approached the front door as i went to walk him out.

"thank you" i said as i opened the door.

"yeah... thanks for the chocolate" he said beffore walking away.

getting lost in thought, i watched as he strolled away and noticed him grab a peice of the dessert and gently eat it, all while his mouth was gently upturned into a smile.

i carried on my night,

and went to sleep.

make sure to vote share comment- it really inspires me to write more and makes me super modivated so thank you for all the love ❤️❤️❤️

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