".. safe word"

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I splash alot of water in his face to losen up the mood. I laugh and start to swim away. «Oh u really did it now, didnt u» I hear the annoyed and happy voice. «What?» I lauged. «You're so dead!» I laughed Harder and tried to swim to land as fast as I could, but he was faster than me and Captured me. He started looking into my eyes. I dont want him to Get sick of me. «Let's go, I want food» I started swimming to land and he followed.

We started to dry up, and ended up sitting at the dock just watching the water. I had changed without him watching, and were now soaking in my own clothes. We talked untill the dusk.

I had completly forgotten how hungry I was untill I came home. «Hi sweety, where have you been? You missed dinner» mom sounds like she's annoyed but is trying to hide it. «Just out with some girls from class» I look for food. It has to be here somewhere. «And didnt you guys eat? You look like a hungry lion» mom pulled out a plate with Mac and Cheese. «Thanks mom. No we didnt actually, we had so much fun that we completly forgot» I start to eat and I swear, Mac and Cheese have never tasted this good. «Sounds like you where with a boy» I choked on the Mac and Cheese. Mom is laughing. «I'm just kidding» I pretended to laugh to.

I arrived at school the next day. Some girls are whispering and looks at me. The heck. I walk past them and sit down. I see Adam walking into class and gives away a light wave. He ignores me. Autch. That hurt a little. I thought he actually liked something about me since he kissed me. Class went by but I couldnt focus. I were so confused. One second he kissed me and the next I was air. Don't I mean anything to him?

I came up with the conclusion to pretend like he was air. Play the same card. That is often what hurts the most. Your own behavior against yourself.

I walked out of the school yard and saw him walking towards me. I just changed direction and started running. I knew he wouldn't follow. "It would look weird" ugh. Wouldn't have chased him either tho. I ain't no simp.

My plan worked completely fine until it was time to go home. I walk by the other classrooms. As usual. I took a turn by the sience lab when someone all of a sudden pulls me in, and pushes me against the wall. The door closes dramatically. I fight to try and get loose until I see the man who just kidnapped me. Adam. "The heck Adam!" He let go of my hands, but we're still standing with his hands above me. Forcing me to lean against the wall. "You've been ignoring me" he looks at my lips before he meets my eyes again. I look away. "If you continue like that, you're gonna need a safe word Sunflower" my inside is on fire..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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