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The next day...
Draupadi woke up as she felt someone stroking her forehead, she opened her eyes to see Kunti admiring her...

Kunti - good morning dear

Draupadi - good morning maa

Kunti - putri, you've to do many rituals get up, get ready, do your morning prayers and come to the common hall

Draupadi - ok Matha

Kunti - and please go wake my sons also, they will be happy to see you early in the morning and don't look so beautiful or else they will loose self control

Draupadi blushed hearing this...

Kunti left the room and Draupadi did her morning routine, and as instructed by Kunti, she went to wake the pandavas

She entered their room and giggled seeing the brothers hugging each other possesively in slumber

Draupadi sat down in the edge of the bed and stroked their heads, making them turn in their sleep. The pandavas thought it was Kunti and in drowsy eyes went and laid their heads on Draupadi's lap making her turn crimson red due to shyness

She again stroked their hairs...

Pandavas - Matha please!! I'm feeling tired (they shouted in unison making Draupadi bite back a chuckle)

Draupadi - Aarya !!!

Hearing her sweet voice all of them opened their eyes wide and looked at her making her blush

Nakul - Draupadi you here ???

All of them took their heads from her lap and sat up on the bed, all confused and rubbing their drowsy eyes

Draupadi - Matha has work !! So she asked me to wake you up, if you don't want me here then that's fine, I'm leaving (she got up from the bed)

Pandavas - no no no !! Pls don't leave
(They shouted and Sahadev pulled her resulting her to fall on them, she started blushing very hardly making the pandavas laugh at her cuteness)

Draupadi - now leave me please, and you also get ready, we have to go to do rituals

Nakul - only today, tomorrow you'll be mine and I can do anything with you (hope the readers understand 🤣)

"Yes yes" the other four shouted with mischievous grins on their faces making Draupadi blush and avert her eyes, the pandavas chuckle at her, pecked her cheeks and left for their bath

After some time the whole family was assembled in the common room and many rituals were held, the pandav brothers along with Draupadi did the rituals and atlast Maharaj Drupad announced the wedding tomorrow

The whole palace was decorated with diyas, flowers and Rangoli, the king gave priceless gifts to his people, the people were celebrating the ceremony while dancing and singing

Draupadi wanted to go to her room for resting as the day was damn tiring for her as she was walking, someone pulled her by waist and to her suprise it was Bheem, and the other four brothers were also with him

Arjun - where were you ??? We missed you

Draupadi - missed me ?? But we were together the whole day

Nakul - that's different, we meant to say we missed flirting you and kissing you

Draupadi bent her head down in shyness and gasped as she felt all of them kissing her

Draupadi - ok now leave me, we've to go and sleep (she tried to be loud, but her voice was bearly a whisper due to their proximity)

Yudhisthira - nope !! We're not leaving you

Meanwhile Kunti entered with Draupadi's mother, Devi Kokila and both together coughed "ahem ahem" after seeing the pandavas holding Draupadi close to themselves

Seeing their mothers, the six of them maintained distance and the five warriors gulped in fear seeing their mother and mother in law glaring at them with their hands on their hips

Kunti - thank god we came Kokila, or they would have gone to any extent

Kokila - yes Kunti and did all of you forget that you'll are not yet married ?

Pandavas - sorry maa

Saying so pandavas ran out of the room as they didn't want to get into their mother's nerves but not before kissing Draupadi's cheeks and making both the mothers go "O"...

Authors note - I want atleast 25 votes please and please let me know how the update was or no more updates

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