11.A Prank...

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The fire born princess and her husband the Brahman (Arjun) and his brothers were going to step out of the hall when suddenly there was a chaos, kings and princes wanted to kill the Brahmans and the princess for humiliating them though it was not their mistake. "Kill Draupadi" came a voice making the pandavas' blood boil, as it was said all the five loved her very much. The five warriors surrounded their love, silently assuring her that they were there to protect her in any situation, the ten Panchal princes raised their weapons, restlessly waiting to kill the idiots who dared to even talk about hurting their darling sister, everyone expected the beautiful swayamvar sabha to turn into a merciless battlefield, but Govind stopped them..

"I appreciate my sakhi, she has chosen her life, dear kings and princes, this is a swayamvar not a battlefield, and most importantly, in a swayamvar the princess has all the rights to choose her husband, I'm warning you to put down your weapons or else, I won't hesitate to kill the person who dares to hurt my dear sakhi" said Krishna

Balram - I consider Draupadi as my own sister, the one who insults her will be facing me

"Put your weapons down" growled an angry Dhrishtadymna, "don't you all hear what we say ??" shouted dhrishtakethu... The Panchal princes were angry to a great extent after seeing people insult their sister, Panchali however was not scared as she knew she was safe when her sakha,dau,father and brothers were there...

Seeing the angry princes of Panchal the other kings and princes immediately put their weapons down except Dhuryodhana, but he to put his weapon down after his friend requested him to. Shakuni, Dhuryodhana and Dhushasan were shivering with fear seeing the pandavas alive...

The pandavas then took Draupadi out of the hall as requested by Govind, after the couple had taken blessings from the bride's family...

On the way...
Draupadi tries to trick the pandavas...

Yudhisthira - what are you thinking Rajkumari ??

Draupadi - I was thinking about the pandavas

Pandavas - what ?? How did you know them...(they shouted)

Draupadi - (biting back a chuckle) they are my relatives in many ways, my father is cousin of Devi Madri and Devi Kunti, the wives of Maharaj Pandu and my mother is cousin of Maharaj Pandu ...my father and Maharaj Pandu were very close to each other... I've heard many things about the pandavas, you know ??? and I have a portrait of them also

Bheem - really ?? So you have their portrait ??

Draupadi - yes yes !! You know all five of them are breath taking handsome..

The pandavas cheeks turned crimson red due to shyness after hearing her compliment.

Draupadi - I've heard a lot about them ...

Nakul - what have you heard about them ??

Draupadi - Rajkumar Yudhisthira is the most honest person on earth...(Yudhisthira blushed) Rajkumar Bheem is the most strongest person on earth...(Bheem blushed) Rajkumar Arjun is the best archer on earth...(Arjun blushed) Rajkumar Nakul is the most handsome man on earth..(Nakul blushed) Rajkumar Sahadev is the most intelligent man on earth ...(Sahadev blushed)....
They are very powerful warriors...

Like this, Draupadi started praising the pandavas making them blush very hardly...

Draupadi - you people look even more handsome when you blush rajkumars

The pandavas were confused hearing her call them Rajkumars

Pandavas - what ?? Rajkumars ??

Draupadi - don't act, I know that you are the pandavas, as I said I have a portrait of yours in my room, yesterday I saw in Shiv Mandir and recognised you easily, but don't worry, I did not tell this to anyone...

Sahadev - so you were acting with us all this while Rajkumari ??

Draupadi giggled and said "yes I was !! But what if I was, whatever I said was true, you all are very handsome and powerful"...The pandavas again blushed hearing her compliment...

Arjun - ok !!! Come let's leave mother will be waiting for us .....

Authors note : sorry guys !! I was busy so I had to give a short update, I'll give a big update from tomorrow, kindly vote and comment, pls let me know how the chapter was...

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