[Michelle] - {ANGST} || Part 1

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Sorry I haven't been active lately! QWQ
School's been a pain so I haven't had time to be updating. I'll hopefully update more often if I can. 

!! This chapter is angst and includes character death and swearing. Please be wary !!

This chapter will be based off of the video above.

!! Also! I do not romanticize self harm, suicide or anything of the like. Skins is a very emotional show and I do not wish to romanticize anything harmful or triggering. I only wish to write a short story to this song as a prompt. !!


George sobbed heavily all while Sapnap comforted his best friend from behind him, hugging him tightly as if the brunette would vanish if he let go. He too, was crying. It would be terrible if they weren't right now. They were Dream's best friends, after all.

- -

The Brit had received a horrifying message earlier on in the day while he was building his mushroom house in peace. He never usually included himself since being at any center of attention was too much for him. He'd much rather stay away from the crowd entirely.

[Quackity] Hey, you're gonna want to come to Pandora's Vault. Now.

[George] What for, Quackity? I'm busy and I don't want to be involved.

[Quackity} It's Dream. Please George. He needs to see you...

George's body paused, a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach and his heart rapidly beating. Why did Dream need to see him? Why now of all times and... why at Pandora's Vault? The brunette gathered his netherite armor and put it on quickly, gathering tools and anything else he needed before heading to the heavily guarded prison.

- -

Upon arriving, George was met with gloomy skies, blackened clouds shrouding the area and creating a mist-like air around him. It was difficult to see even a foot in front of him, the fog was so thick. He'd almost tripped on multiple cracks in the blackstone path leading up to the big building.

The door was huge. Way too big and highly over exaggerated. Who needed a door this big anyway, huh? George sighed, deciding to just step inside and be escorted to Dream's cell. He knew Dream was in prison and had tried making an effort to visit him often, in fact he was going to visit Dream tomorrow but apparently, it was pushed forward to today. Right now.

Sam hadn't said anything through out the entire escort. It was kinda scaring George since normally the creeper was very talkative to him. The walk took so long that it was nice to take that time to chat with Sam. Today was different and George knew it instantly.

Not too long, Sam noticed the Brit stuck in his thoughts and decided to speak up to warn him of what he was about to see. It wasn't going to be good. At all. It would break the poor boy so much. Dream and George had a thing for each other and had only acted on it recently. They've been together for almost half a year now...

This was going to be painful to watch.

"I want to warn you, George." Sam spoke softly, sympathy dripping from his tongue, "Today's visit won't be pleasant. At all. Ready your sword because I think you're going to need to use it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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