A is for Arm

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It should have been a routine pickup. The suspect was hiding out in an old abandoned house and the intelligence unit where going to pick him up. They had done this sort of thing a million times, and it was safe to say they where pretty good at it. But on this particular day, things didn't go as planned, especially for Jay Halstead.

"Breach!" Voight could be heard over the radio and Jay reacted instantly, taking a step back and hitting the door with his foot. It burst open and he quickly ran inside, the rest of the unit hot on his heels as they started to search the house. The word "clear" was shouted several times as they looked through the empty rooms. It looked like the house was empty, and the tip off they had been given was wrong. That was until Jay saw somebody run through a room in the back.

"CHICAGO PD! STOP!" The detective shouted, running towards the room, but the suspect had other ideas. He jumped out one of the windows, and Jay was quick to follow. They ran through the streets of Chicago; down alleyways and through back gardens. It was clear that the suspect had underestimated the abilities of the detective who was now closing in on him. In a last attempt to escape, the suspect took a quick turn and ran straight into oncoming traffic, Jay didn't hesitate for a second and followed straight behind him. The last thing he remembered was hearing the screech of tires and then it all went black.

His blue eyes fluttered open and he sat up slowly, pain searing through his arm as he tried to put pressure on it. In the distance he could see his team running towards him and he took a moment to take in everything else. There was a car parked in front of him, an obvious dent on the hood. After a minute, he realised that there was someone talking to him, a middle aged man who had a very worried expression on his face, must be the driver.

"...Jay!" Hailey's voice brought him out of his daze and he turned to look where the rest of his unit now stood. The events of the last few minutes where slowly coming back to him; chasing the suspect down the alley, running into the road, the car hitting him.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." He mumbled after a minute, pulling himself to his feet. His right arm was throbbing and he knew it was definitely broken, but he didn't feel like taking a trip to the hospital so he decided to ignore it, the slight pounding in his head too.

"Jay, you where just hit by a car." Adam chimed in from the other side of Hailey.

"Oh gee, Adam, what would we do without you?" Jay said with a roll of his eyes, obviously he knew he'd just been hit with a car, he wasn't an idiot. The rest of the team just snickered at the comment, glad to see that whatever pain their fellow detective was hiding, it wasn't enough to dampen his sense of humour.

"I don't care if you say you're okay, you're still going to Med to get checked out." Voight ordered before nodding towards Hailey, indicating that she should take her partner to the hospital. This was the last thing that Jay wanted, a trip to the hospital and a lecture from his older brother as to why it isn't safe to run into oncoming traffic. He was about to protest but Hailey grabbed his un-injured arm and dragged him towards the truck.

The ride over to Chicago Med was silent, Jay still sulking about having to go to the hospital and Hailey not wanting to get snapped at. She knew that Jay hated hospital but it was obvious he was in pain, everyone else might have been convinced by his little act but she could see it in his eyes.

"Alright, we're here." Hailey brought her partner out of his daydream and he huffed as he opened the door of his truck and got out. They headed into the hospital and signed in, having to sit in the waiting room until there was someone available. Jay was starting to get restless and the longer they waited, the more irritating he became to be around. Finally, Ethan came into the waiting room.

"Jay, we're ready for you." He called towards the two detectives, both of whom practically jumped out of their seats, ready to just get back to the district. They where put into a treatment room and of course Will came running in, wondering why his younger brother was sat in the ED.

"Superman over here decided to chase a suspect into oncoming traffic, think he might have broke his arm." Hailey informed the older Halstead with a smirk on her face. This wasn't the first time they had been in the ED because Jay had decided to do something stupid, and she knew it definitely wouldn't be the last. As much as she hated seeing her partner in pain, she couldn't help but laugh at how stupid he could be.

After receiving a lecture from his older brother, Jay could finally get checked out by Ethan, who had somehow managed to convince him to admit he was in quite a bit of pain. After a bunch of X-Rays and a quick concussion test, Ethan came back with the results.

"Hailey was right, definitely a broken arm. It doesn't need surgery but you will need to wear a cast for the next 6 weeks. As for the concussion, you're completely fine. Someone will be in shortly to put a cast on you." He explained and they both thanked him. Not much later, a nurse came in and put the cast on Jay's arm, which he complained about the entire time. A cast meant desk duty, and desk duty meant no field action, to say Jay was not happy would be an understatement.

Once Jay was finally discharged from the hospital, the two detectives headed back to the district. Hank wasn't happy to hear that he'd be without his best detective in the field for the next 6 weeks, but he was happy to hear it wasn't anything more serious.

And for the next 6 weeks, Jay annoyed the crap out of the entire unit, no, the entire district until he was finally allowed back into the field, much to everyone's relief.

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