Chapter 8

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The silence was so deafening now that you could hear the fragments of glass dropping and making a sound on the train track. Troy sat as still as a stone.

The arm began shaking violently, sleeves shredded so it was only holding onto thin threads. The arm trembled even more, looking as though it had that tic that would still not go away. The arm was cold, clammy and ghoulish. Drawn-out. Stretched. Black and blue veins spreading across the wrists. I was too shocked to move or to even speak. Troy's immobilised hand clenched into a fist.

Finally, the Mutant I had been expecting popped up. Veins, tentacle-ridden mouth, balding hair, and an oozing gash of blood running down its neck. The tentacles wiggled on its own. He looked horrifying, demented, the kind of creatures that would crawl under your bed and attack you while you were asleep. Its mouth was opened like it was in shock, flashing his yellow teeth plagued with the blue venom.

His head pounded the glass loudly and it made a ear-splitting crack which split across the pane, its head bouncing up and down. The Mutant smiled as he was blinded in our torch's lights. My heart lurched and my breathing became faster as I leapt off my seat.

"Open up," stuttered the Mutant, eyes opening wide. He tapped on the glass with his long, yellow fingernails and glanced behind quickly him as though he was in dire need of help from danger. "Please." 

The Mutant spoke, something that I knew they were capable of doing, stuttering heavily on a few words. "Oh, hello there. I'm - I'm a Mutant. What a nice... silky arm you have, so s-s-smooth and beautiful, b-boy. You don't mind, do you?" He raised his arm, and I saw there was none there, just socket and bone. The Mutant's blue and disfigured lips curled into a smile as it let out a couple of maniacal, high-pitch giggles, venom flying everywhere, as his Adam's Apple lurched back and forth

No one spoke as the only sound was a couple of wails and the slight revving of the engine. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Troy was unbuckling the holster on his belt.

"Troy!" I shouted at the top of my breath, just as the Mutant threw its head back, attempting to bite off his arm, there was a scuffle and the sound of gunshot, as the Mutant at once released his hand and he fell to the rail with a wail, the smoke curling from the muzzle of Troy's gun. A moment of silence. Then another Mutant, blood around its mouth, slammed its chest on Watchee's window and started snapping its jaws furiously, black eyeballs and blue pupils dilating. Another Mutant slammed on the rear window, just as we all directed our flashlights to it.

Another appeared at the window, black and blue veins, another appeared at the back window, slamming its fist and giggling crazily for us to open up. We were bombarded by it now, as more screams and shouts echoed inside the car from us as more Mutants surrounded the buggy.

Troy wasted no time. "Come on Watchee! Drive!" He bellowed to a timid-looking Watchee, who finally got his senses back. The car volleyed forwards, just as we heard the familiar screeches and wails of the Mutants was thrown off the car.

"You are definitely the smartest one in the group, Kara!" Watchee barked loudly amidst the chaos. I could've laughed, but now was not the time, as we were getting chased by hundreds of Mutants behind our back. I could hear their faint screeching, wailing, roaring and screaming.

"We'll hold them back! Get us out of this train station!" Troy bawled, as the wheels spun furiously, as it tried to adjust to the train tracks, sparking and fizzing. It bumped roughly a few times. I stared behind me at the cracked rear window. Dozens of Mutants, all shapes and sizes, and all looking deranged and like lunatics began swiping at the air for our flesh and bones.

We powered forwards, the car reeling off to the side dangerously as more Mutant bodies slammed itself against our buggy, making the force unbalanced, denting the car greatly and leaving cracks along the glass panels. My heart was pounding and my stomach gurgled with fear. But there was no time to rest, just as the back door flew open and hanging onto the speeding car was another Mutant.

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