Chapter fourteen

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Valentina's POV:

It's been two weeks since I saw Ana. I never saw Micheal or the kids. I'm pretty sure they don't even know they have an aunt.

My mom is getting worse everyday. She keeps calling me Ana or she doesn't remember me. It's sad honestly. I sometimes talk to Draco's mother too, she's more stable than my mother. She's a real sweetheart, forgetful like every patient in here, but still a sweetheart.

Draco has been in his office non stop, he always comes home late and exhausted. Nothing really happened after our car make out, sadly. I honestly thought there was something going on, but apparently not.

It's more awkward actually now, we don't talk much. He still picks me up from work everyday, but you can see how exhausted he is everytime he comes back from work.

It was now Friday, and since I didn't have anything else to do, I went to the store to buy some groceries.

I grabbed a cart and went inside. It may sound really weird, but I love to go to the grocery store. It's amazing. I mean, there's food everywhere, let's be honest, we all love that.

I grabbed a box of cereal and went to the fruit aisle. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket of my jeans and unlocked it. I went to my contacts and dialed Draco's phone number.

"Yes?" He sighed from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, I'm at the grocery store, do you want something?" I asked him.

"No, I don't need anything" he said annoyed.

"You sure, because there's a sale on those granola bars you like" I said as I passed a big box of granola bars.

"Yes, I'm sure Valentina" he sighed.

"Okay, you sure you don't need anything else? I can cook us something toni-"

"I don't need anything Valentina! Just stop asking if I'm sure! I told you a million fucking times!" He raised his voice and I visibly flinched. He couldn't see me, but a little next to me gave me a suspicious look.

"Okay" I said quietly and hung up the phone before he could say anything else. Was I that annoying?

Normally, I would say something harsh back, but my whole personality changed when my sister left. Everytime somebody close to me yells at me or just raises their voice a little, I become quiet, thinking I'm going to lose them.

I walked past the granola bars and went straight to the fruit aisle.

"Are you okay miss?" The woman from earlier asked me. "I didn't mean to overhear your conversation but I just heard the person on the other side of the phone yelling and I wanted to see if you needed any help?" She asked me softly with a sad smile.

"I'm fine, thank you" I gave her a small smile. "Are you sure?" She asked again, more serious. "I am, thank you ma'am" I gave her a nod with a smile.

"He's not hurting you, is he?" She asked just above a whisper. "No, god no! He just probably had a bad day or something. It's okay, but thank you so much" I told her with a smile.

"Okay honey, just making sure" she smiled at me and went to the bread aisle.

I know she didn't only mean mentally hurting, she meant physically too. I know all about that, I had an abusive boyfriend when I was 21. His name was Chad, clearly American if you hear his name. I don't even know why I dated him.

We met at a Starbucks when I went to go get a coffee before work. He payed for my coffee and then asked my number afterwards. I thought he was cute, so I just give it to him. We dated for six months. The first two months were great, but then everything started to go downhill. In the beginning it was always mental abuse, like calling me names and being extremely possessive over me. But then it switched to physical abuse. He would hit me and kick me, and make me miss work because he didn't like the job I had. When a few months passed, Makayla come over once to come check on me. The day before, Chad gave me a black eye, so that's the first thing Makayla noticed. I didn't want to go to the police at first, but Makayla begged and begged me to go, so we went together.

I broke up with Chad and he want to jail, but only for a year. No matter how many times I begged for him to go to jail longer, he just stayed for a year, so he's still out there.

I got a restraining order, but I know that paper isn't going to do anything. Like what if he shows up one day? I just show him the paper? Like he's going to leave then.

I got pulled away from my thoughts when I heard my phone ring. I looked at my screen and saw it was Makayla calling me.

"Hey" I answered.

"Hey, what're you doing?" She asked me.

"Just in the store, picking up some groceries" I told her.

"You sound sad, what happened" She asked seriously.

"Nothing, it's nothing" I sighed.

"Val? Tell me" she said.

"It's nothing major really. I just called Draco earlier to see if he wanted something, and I guess I was annoying or something and he just lashed out and yelled at me. But he sounded tired and he's been at work a lot lately, so I guess it's just stress" I told her honestly.

"You want to come over?" She asked softly.

"Yes please" I replied.

"Buy your groceries and then come to my place so we can talk and eat some ice cream okay?" She asked softly.

I nodded, then remember she couldn't see me. "Yeah, thanks" I told her.

"You're welcome honey, love you, see you later" she said.

"Love you too" I said and hung up.

I sighed and picked up the rest from my groceries and went to the cashier.

"Hello" she greeted me with a smile. "Hai" I greeted her back. She scanned my items, which weren't a lot. Just some chicken, a few bananas, a box of strawberries, a baguette and a box of cereal.

"Would you like a bag with that?" She asked me. "Yes please" I responded. She turned around and grabbed a plastic bag and put all the groceries inside.

"That'll we 25 dollars" she said with a soft smile. I handed her my money and grabbed the bag.

"Have I good day" she told me. "You too" I said and got out of the store. I put the cart back in place and walked back to the bus station.

I waited for the bus to arrive and grabbed my phone. I was texting Cho about hanging out tommorow when my bus came. I extended my hand as a signal for the bes to stop. He pulled over to the bust stop and opened the doors to get in. I got in and scanned my bus card. I went to the back and took a seat.

Leaning my head against the window, I could see the clouds darken and the raindrops beginning to fall. I loved the rain, it's so calming. The sound just takes away all my problems and let's the weight of my shoulders.

After about ten minutes, the bus came to the last stop and I got out. I took maybe 5 minutes getting to Makayla's house. I didn't bring a jacket since it was sunny out earlier, so here I am, in a pair of pants and a shirt, in the rain, freezing.

I heard a car honk from beside me. I looked at the car when the window from the passenger seat lowered. "Get in!" Makayla shouted from the drivers seat.

I quickly ran to the car and got in. "You could've texted me" she sighed and drove away.

"I know" I sighed.

"So, you want to tell me now? Or later with a glass of red wine before I go to work?" She asked me.

I looked at the clock on the radio and saw it was 4 pm and Makayla had to start working at 6. "I'll just begin now and continue later with a glass of red wine" I sighed.

"Okay, spill" She said, looking straight ahead.

"Okay, so..

KillersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora