Day 7: Disney

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Beca Mitchell stood looking down at four-year-old Alexis Mitchell. Little Lexi looked up at Beca. They were standing outside the entrance to Disneyland and Beca was laying down a few rules for the youngster.

"You hold my hand and no running off," Beca said. "Got it."

"Got it," Lexi said giggling.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Beca muttered as she took Lexi's hand and led her into the Magic Kingdom . "Sheila owes me big."

Lexi pulled Beca toward the Disney castle and Beca couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. When they finally made their way to the castle Lexi stopped and her eyes got wide.

"Wow," Lexi said looking up at the castle.

Just then one of the Disney princesses came walking through the area and every little girl got excited. Beca doesn't know which one it was but Lexi was beyond excited.

"It's Snow White," Lexi said staring at the princess. "Oh, there's Cindewella."

Lexi pulled Beca toward Snow White and stopped in front of her. The princess knelt down and greeted Lexi. Lexi stood there with a big grin on her face.

"Would you like a picture?," Snow White asked. Lexi nodded her head and looked at Beca.

"On it, squirt," Beca said and pulled out her phone. She snapped a couple of pictures and thanked Snow White. Lexi gave Snow White a hug and the princess moved on to another little girl. Beca took more pictures of Lexi with different princesses before they moved on.

Beca and Lexi had been at Disney for about three hours when they got hungry. They were headed to the Village Haus Restaurant because Lexi wanted pizza. They were almost to the restaurant when Lexi let go of Beca's hand and suddenly ran.

"Lexi!," Beca called out and followed the young girl, bobbing and weaving through a group that suddenly appeared in front of her.

She spotted Lexi as soon as she cleared the group. She was hugging a little redheaded boy who looked like he was crying.

"Lexi," Beca said as she knelt down next to them. "What did I tell you about running off?"

"But he was cwying," Lexi said with tears in her eyes.

Beca looked at the little boy who looked to be about Lexi's age. "Hey, little dude," Beca said gently. "Are you okay?"

"My mommy is wost," the little boy said between his tears.

"Oh," Beca said and stood to look around. She didn't see anyone looking frantic and she knelt back down to the young boy. "Hey, my name is Beca and this is my sister Lexi. What's your name?"

"Dylwan," the young boy said.

"Nice to meet you, Dylan," Beca said. "Are you hungry?"

Dylan nodded. "Do you want to get some pizza with us?" Again, Dylan nodded, sniffling and trying to stop the tears.

Beca stood and looked around again. They were right in front of the restaurant and Beca thought she could calm Dylan and they could watch for his mother. If his mother hadn't come around by the time they finished eating, Beca would find a cast member and ask them what to do. She just hoped giving the kid pizza is okay.

"Okay, guys," Beca said. "Take my hand and let's get some pizza."

The trio then walked into the restaurant and Beca asked for a table by the window. They sat and she took some napkins and wiped Dylan's face. She told Dylan to watch to see if he saw his mommy. Lexi took his hand and was patting it, telling him everything would be okay.

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