Day 4: Why?

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Beca had a long day and was slowly making her way back home. She smiled because 'home' was the Bellas house and she considered the girls her family. She knew that no matter what happened after they graduated, she would always be able to count on her family.

It was only six-thirty when Beca came into the Bellas house. She was surprised to see most of the girls sitting in the living room. The only girls not there were Flo and Lily. She dropped her bag at the bottom of the stairs to take up later and walked, into the living room, greeting the girls.

"What? No hot dates tonight?," Beca asked the group as she grabbed a handful of chips. "Everyone is usually running around getting ready by now. I don't think I've seen this many of you just sitting around on a Friday night, like, ever. Especially you two." Beca nodded in the direction of Stacie and Amy.

"You know the hunter's been tamed," Stacie said with a wink. "And, Aubrey had to work overtime tonight."

"I have a date later," Fat Amy said. "Much later, if you know what I mean."

"We all know what you mean, Ames," Emily said.

"What about you?," Chloe asked as Beca sat down next to her. "No hot date with Jesse?

"Um, God no," Beca responds.

"Why not?," Jessica asked.

"Probably because he's with his girlfriend," Beca said nonchalantly as she munched on her chips.

"What?," the Bellas asked as one.

"Since when?," CR asked.

"We broke up little over a month ago. We both realize we were better as friends." Beca laughed and added, "I really should know better by now not to tell you girls anything when you're drunk."

"Wait," Chloe said with a furrowed brow. "When did you tell us this? Why don't I remember? This is big news."

"Remember that day in January when Stacie told us that it was 'Peculiar People Day'?," Beca asked.

"Yeah," the girls responded.

"It was decided that since we considered ourselves a band of misfits that the Bellas should celebrate," Beca said and the girls nodded. "And, someone," she looks at Chloe when she says this, "decided to let Fat Amy play bartender. I came home and didn't realize how drunk all of you were and told you that Jesse and I had just broken up. Everybody gave me sympathy in the form of whatever it was you all were drinking, and I was as drunk as the rest of you by the time we called it a night. After that, it never really came up again."

"Oh, my God," Chloe said. "I only remember the start of that party. I have no memory of anything after that until the next morning."

"I don't think any of us do," Ashley said. "That was one weird night."

"You're welcome," Fat Amy said with a smug smile.

"I'm so glad I missed it," Emily half-whispered so only Ashley heard.

"I wish I had," Ashley whispered back and shivered.

"I'm so sorry, Beca," Chloe said. "I should have been there for you with ice cream and boxes of tissues."

Chloe pulled Beca into a hug. Beca hugged her back and pulled away.

"It's okay, Chlo," Beca said. "Like I said, we knew we were better off as friends. And I wasn't really that upset over it."

"So, that means your single," CR said with a mischievous grin. "I know someone who might be interested in going out if you're up to it. And, I know for a fact they're not doing anything tonight."

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