"Yeah, you're right," you too started brainstorming another idea, "Wait, Yū, you do know how to wash your hair, right?"

 "Um, yeah, when I'm in the shower," he tried to catch onto what you meant, "Or the bath."

 "Great! My bathroom has a bath. Want me to run one for you?" you didn't realise what you had said. It had really just slipped out, as though it was as natural as anything else. But for Yū, this was crazy. 

 "What?" he froze in the middle of laying out his dying equipment. There was a towel and a brush among the miscellaneous items. Why would he need a black duffel bag that big if he only wanted to dye his hair?

 "Um," you treaded carefully, "I said I'll run a bath for you if you want."

 "Y/N," you braced yourself to be rejected, "Bubbles please. I love you babe."

 "Love you too," you patted his head and bounded up the steps to your bathroom. You immediately started preparing the perfect bath for Yū. You wondered if he had his shampoo with him. You walked back down to find him taking off his shirt.

 "Y/N! I though you were upstairs!" he frantically covered up his body with his arms. You looked away with a hot blush covering your cheeks.

 "Yū, don't strip in my living room! At least go into my room and close the door, you dope," you sighed, "I came downstairs to ask you if you had your shampoo with you."

 "Gimme a sec," he turned around and started rummaging in his duffel bag, "Aw, damn it! The one thing I forgot! No, sorry babe, I left my shampoo at home."

 "Okay, that's fine," you hesitated before returning upstairs, "Um, are you opposed to using my Garnier Whole Blends Vanilla Milk & Papaya Extracts Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner? Or will you just wet your hair and shower your body?" Yū gasped dramatically and pounced on you (seemingly forgetting that he was shirtless), and clasped your mouth shut with his hand.

 "Wait a minute. Is that your secret? Is that how you always smell so irresistibly good everyday? Wait. In fact, don't tell me. You've already said too much. Well, I accept. I allow myself to be blessed by my girlfriend's shampoo!" he kneeled on one knee and bent his head down. He wanted to be knighted. You laughed at his overenthusiasm. 

 "Alright, alright. Oh my God. Take yourself upstairs to my room, lock the door, get undressed, and I'll call you when your bath is ready," you pried him off of you. He jovially hopped up the stairs to your room. You didn't go back upstairs until you heard the confirming click of your bedroom door locking. After a few minutes, you had created the perfect atmosphere for a bath. The right amount of bubbles had been mixed into the warm water in the bathtub, and the bathroom mat was in front of it just in case Yū splashed. Which he probably would. You knocked on your bedroom door. 

 "Coming," Yū called out. He unlocked your door to reveal himself standing in a bathrobe. He tightened the adjustable belt around his waist. 

 "Your bath is ready, Yū. Just go down the corridor. It's the first door on the right. Call me if you need anything," you smiled at him.

 "Okay, babe. Thank you so much," he pecked you on the lips before running off to have a bath. You were halfway down the staircase, anticipating being able to finish A Silent Voice, when you heard your name being called by your boyfriend. That quickly? Sure, you had said to call you if he needed anything, but wow, that was fast. 

 "Coming!" you groaned through gritted teeth. Once you reached your bathroom door, you placed three raps on the hard wood. 

 "Come in, I'm covered," Yū called out. You blushed at the thought of entering the same room he was taking a bath in. You got yourself together and pushed inside. In the bath, your boyfriend was sat up. His upper body was revealed, but you could see the effort he had put in to hide everything downwards with bubbles. To be honest, his efforts were successful considering how you saw nothing besides his torso. But still, it was simply the thought that Yū was stark naked and less than a meter away from you that caused your face to turn a beet red.

Haikyuu Imagines: Karasuno EditionWhere stories live. Discover now