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No One's°

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No One's°

Next day, Eura woke up from
her deep slumber. She wanted
to sleep more, she felt as if her
bed was calling her but sadly
she got up anyways.

Yesterday was chaos, not even
chaos is the right way to describe.
After Jungwoo and shotaro got
revealed as the mafias, everyone
straight up went 'HUH' 'WHAT'

In short, it was pure madness luv.

Eura remembered to note that,
pure looking people could easily
win a game like this.

Right now Eura sat on her
bed, lazily scrolling thru
sns and listening to musics.
Her favourite thing to do.

Just like yesterday, it seems
like she doesn’t have any work.

“Ddaeng I'm so gay for Queen

Several minutes past and now
Eura is bored.

She completely flopped on
her bed, staring at the white
space before her.

She kept thinking and thinking
about how to cure this boredom.

“I'm so bored! what should I do?
Oh wait now is the perfect
time to nap”
Eura pulled up her covers
and tried to nap.

This woman sure loves to
sleep, a lot.

But just when she is about
to fall asleep,

“Ayo listen up!”

You guessed it right. Someone
aggressively knocked well punched
on the door.

Eura jolts up from her bed,
“What the hell you want
Jeong Jaehyun!?”

She doesn’t need to clarify
who that is, she knows whose
voice is whose. Especially Jeong

“Aghh this guy always gets on
my flipping nerves.”
Eura gets up,stomping she opens
the door.

There stood Jaehyun, grey
coloured t-shirt paired up
with comfy pajamas. Hair
covering forehead and round
glasses. Making him look both
homely and cute. Not to mention
that he wore his famous dimple

Eura melted at the sight
of him, but who wouldn’t?

oh mah gawd why does he
have to so boyfriend material.
Who told him to hurt my heart
like this. He can't be THIS ethereal.
This is illegal ahhh

Before Eura could simp more
Jaehyun cut her out of her
thoughts,“Pretty girl, are you ok?”

Does he expect me to be okay?
wait– pretty girl again?!

“Peach guy I told you to stop
calling me pretty girl”
Eura says, annoyed.

Jaehyun grins,“But it suits you,
besides you gave me a nickname

“Bcuz it suits you and it's not
cringy like yours”
Eura reasons and crosses her

“Pretty girl suits you too
but anyways, do you know
why I get called peach?”
Jaehyun wears a smug look.

“Bcuz you look like one”
Eura says.

“That's true but there's another
Jaehyun leans closer to Eura,
close enough to reach her ears.

“I'm also as tasty as a peach,
wanna try?”
Jaehyun whispers right next
to Eura.

BISH. AHHHHHH I can't tell
whether or not i am cringing
or fangirling.

Eura wasted no time and
began to smack the shit
out of Jaehyun.

“Ah ah! I'm sorry! gosh you are
strong. AH!”
Jaehyun says, trying to get away
from Eura who just rolled her eyes.

“You bish, you deserve that.”
Eura says.

“Now why are you here? if you
talk nonsense than you are
getting smacked–”

Jaehyun cut her off,“Woman calm
down, I'm actually here to

Eura furrows her eyebrows,
“Ddaeng, why me?”

Jaehyun smiles, this time his
usual smile,“Why not you?besides
you always hangout with the
kids but never hangout with me”
He makes a 🥺 face.

Goddamn he really had to do
this face. Actually i would accept

“Cool. So what are we doing?”
Eura asks.

Jaehyun's face brightens up,
“Aw you agreed!”

Eura once again uwued at
the sight,“I did”

“So we are gonna...”
Jaehyun begans,“Netflix and chill”

Another smack.

Jaehyun rubs his head,“Ouch
woman. I meant we would just
watch stuff”

Eura nods,“Good”

“Let's go to my room”
Jaehyun motions.

“Wait a second”
Eura quickly grabbed her phone
and headed towards Jaehyun's
room, which is right next to hers.

First and last time she went
there, when she was brought
here and she needed to borrow
clothes from Jaehyun.

Eura walked into the room.
Jaehyun's room is similar to
Eura's. The room is coloured
white, with dark coloured
furniture complimenting the
room. The bed is medium sized.

In the bed Jaehyun sat,
comfortably. Blankets on
as he leaned on the head
rest, scrolling through his
tv which stood right in the
wall before the bed.

“Get comfortable”
Jaehyun says, his attention
still on the tv.

Eura stood in front door,
blinking once more in a
dramatic way she made
her way to the bed, before
laying as comfortably as
Jaehyun. Both now resting
on the head rest.

“Should we watch this one?”


Rest of the day went on with
Eura and Jaehyun watching
movies and dramas. Both were
immersed so much that they
didn’t realise that they are

Eura rested on Jaehyun's shoulder, while Jaehyun's head laid on
top of Eura's head, making a
lovely sight to see.

More time passed and they
eventually fall asleep in the
same position.

And that's one sight to see.

Hehe Jaera moment :)Do you like this?

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Hehe Jaera moment :)
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unfortunately updates would
be slow from now on since
my studies have started.

Love u 💜

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