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No One's°

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No One's°

“What is Roulette's planning?”
Johnny asked the same
question for the twenth time.

“I don’t know”
Was the man's same answer.

Right now they are in the
same shed Eura was in when
she was taken.

Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta, Jeno
and Eura are present, trying
to get something out of the

But the man was being
a huge pain. All the punches
and kicks could not get anything
out of him.

His response was only
mocking them and that
did not sit well of course.

They were losing patience
with the man. But still they
need to get something out
of the man.

Johnny threw a punch right
at the man's jaw, a sound of
something breaking hard was
heard afterwards along with
the man's groan in pain.

“I'm asking you for the last time,
What is Roulette's planning?”
Johnny threw deadly gaze
at the man, he is clearly
pissed right now.

Johnny's stare made the man
gulp in terror.“I dont know
much...i just know that they
are attacking anytime”

we been knew, tell smth more

This thought circulated through
every member.

This can't be the whole plan.
They must have something
up their sleeves.
Johnny thought.

Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta, Jeno
and Eura exchanged looks,
knowing somethings not right.

This can't be the only thing.
The man knows more. Roulette's
are too cunning.
Yuta thought.

“When exactly they are attacking?
Tell the whole plan”
Eura glared at the man as she
came closer to the man, in a
threatening manner.

The man's eyes widen when
he saw Eura but quickly
changed into mocking gaze,
“Well isn't it Park Eura, Park
Eujun's sister? Get ready.
You have a lot of coming”

Eura is Eujun's sister?

This information shocked
everyone to the core. They
did not see this coming.
Except Taeyong of course
who already knew that.

Eura just froze.

What does he man by getting
me? Does Eujun know about
me? how the hell?! this wasn’t
supposed to be revealed. oh no
what if the guys don't trust me
anymore. Oh no.

Same questions circulated
through Eura's head.

Crap crap crap! everything
was already a mess and this
HAD to happen. I need to
talk to Taeyong later.

Eura sighed but then she
made eye contact with
the still shocked members
who looked at her with
'explain' look.

But not before i get interrogated.

Taeyong fumed in anger,“Listen
up. We would not let your plans
succeed. I will make sure they
wouldn’t get Eura. We will
destroy your bitchass gang
once and for all.”

“Let's go”
Taeyong walked out. Others
followed him after locking
that man in the shed.

“Taeyong, what to do next?”
Jeno asked.

Taeyong looked behind Eura
before saying,“I'm figuring.
Right now stay with the
original orders but more
All them nodded.

“And Eura i believe you need
to explain to them.”
Eura nodded.

“Let's go, I will explain to
The members nodded in

“Wait, so you are Roulette's
right hand man's sister? ”

“Yes Jisung”

“But your brother went missing
years ago?”

“Yes Mark”

“You found out about him
during that mission?”

“Yes Lucas”

“You discussed about the situation
with Ty?”

“Yes Johnny”

“Do you mind us fighting
your brother?”

“Sort of Jungwoo”

“You are still in our gang right?”

“Yes Doyoung”

“Are you all done?”


The guys were all asking questions
to Eura after she told the boys everything. The questioning
was quite tiring considering
the amount of boys they have
in one place. All curious.

Taeyong looked over at Eura
with his warm smile,
“One last question please?”

Eura nodded,“Sure”

“Are you happy to be with us?”

There's it. He dropped the bomb.
Taeyong wanted to ask this
for a while. He knows what
Eura went through and he
wants Eura to be happy now.

Eura got startled when she
heard Taeyong's question.


Now that she thinks about
it she indeed feels happy here.

When she joined nct, she
thought the guys were all
rude and jerks. She regreted
joining nct when she signed
on the joining papers. Knowing
she is the only female, she was
very scared.

But the moment she started
to talk to them, she realized
she was so wrong. The guys
were nothing like she assumed.

From that moment she grew
closer to them and now
she considers them family.

Her family.

Eura smiled,“Of course I'm happy,
with my family”

Everyone smiled warmly at
her words.

“We are family.”

We are family here bbygorls/boys/them 💚

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We are family here bbygorls/boys/them 💚

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